Amazing Laser Party!

While checking out the official Nobel Prize web site to see when the prizes will be announced, I was surprised to discover that the Nobel Foundation offers little Flash games on their web site. In particular, I had to check out the Laser Challenge site. Oh. My. God. Maybe it’s just the cold talking, but… Continue reading Amazing Laser Party!

Categorized as Silliness

Idle Question

Does including his middle name make USC quarterback John David Booty sound more or less like a porn star? (Yesterday was the inauguration for our new college president, so it was a long day, and I’m a little punchy watching SportsCenter…)

Driver’s Ed Nostalgia

Via a mailing list, Peugeot offers a parallel-parking simulator. So, if you’re a person who thinks that Grand Theft Auto doesn’t contain enough three-point turns, there’s a Flash game just for you…

Categorized as Silliness

ScienceBlogger Nerd-Off

Fed up with the hotness contest results, Janet has decreed a nerd-off, asking for: your geekiest jokes, your nerdiest life-lessons, your testimonial to your favorite programing language (or tissue culture medium), what have you. We’ve already had a local thread of funny physics jokes, but for sheer nerd value, it’s hard to top the classics:

They Got a Perfect 20 on the New SAT

On Inside Higher Ed this morning: The University of Florida has distributed several thousand T-shirts in which Roman numerals intended to indicate 2006 (MMVI) in fact indicate 26 (XXVI). After discovering the mistake, the university will have many thousands of other T-shirts redone, The Gainesville Sun reported. But, hey, the football team is supposed to… Continue reading They Got a Perfect 20 on the New SAT

Pick a Seal, Any Seal

Lots of my fellow ScienceBloggers have been playing with the Official Seal Generator (Tara, Steinn, Bora, and Josh, and probably others by the time this posts). I’m just punchy enough to play along, but I can’t decide which way to go with this. So, below the fold, I present the competing options for the Official… Continue reading Pick a Seal, Any Seal

Categorized as Silliness

The Perilous Blogosphere

Medium Large has critical advice for all you websurfers. Of course, you didn’t need me to tell you that, because you already read Medium Large. Right? Right?

Categorized as Silliness