Windows 386 Is on the Attack

Via a mailing list, I got sent this link to a really mind-boggling Microsoft marketing video from the 80’s. It really defies description, but the original poster made a good attempt: Microsoft sent this tape to retailers to explain the benefits of Windows 386. Boring until the 7 minute mark when the production is taken… Continue reading Windows 386 Is on the Attack

Categorized as Silliness


I’m A Boy I’m A Ghost I’m A Loner Dottie, A Rebel… I’m A Man You Don’t Meet Every Day I’m A Midnight Mover I’m a Rocker I’m A Terrible Person

What’s in a Name?

Today is the first day of classes, so I’m going to be kind of busy at work. Here’s a bit of pop-culture silliness to lighten things up while I’m teaching and setting up labs. The Neil Diamond chestnut “Sweet Caroline” got brought up in a back-channel discussion, prompting much revulsion from the older members of… Continue reading What’s in a Name?

Unanswered Questions

Slate‘s Explainer presents a list of questions that were submitted but not answered. They propose to answer one of these, chosen on the basis of a reader vote. (Details at the bottom of the article.) Some of my favorites:

Categorized as Silliness

A Modest Proposal

Over at Inside Higher Ed, Edward Palm gets all Swiftian: The Department of Defense finds itself desperately short of troops with which to sustain what promises to be a long and increasingly unpopular, inconclusive war in Iraq. The Department of Education finds itself suddenly alarmed by the relatively low percentage of Americans pursuing postsecondary education… Continue reading A Modest Proposal

Ask Mr. Language Person

Stolen from a discussion on an email list, a small usage question: What’s the difference between a “fiasco” and a “debacle”? Is there a difference, or are they perfect synonyms? My thoughts below the fold.

Categorized as Silliness