The New Telecom Product You’ve Been Waiting For

Presenting the hottest new product in the telecommunications sector: the rPhone: rPhone combines three delightfully diverse products into one awkward and cumbersome handheld contraption — a revolutionary steam-powered satellite phone, a stylish French musicbox, and a vibrasonic multi-purpose tool that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike a Sonic Screwdriver. rPhone is the first portable… Continue reading The New Telecom Product You’ve Been Waiting For

Categorized as Silliness


Scott Eric Kaufman must have a dissertation deadline coming up, because his procrastination is getting intense. He’s just set up a text adventure game on his blog: You are standing near the Moral High Ground. To your South are Theists (or Theorists). To your North are Atheists (or Anti-Theorists). To your East and West are… Continue reading Blogwars!

LOL Vincit Omnia

Via the Little Professor, I learn that Geoffrey Chaucer can hath cheezburger. For many dayes ich haue desyred to maak Lolpilgrimes from the smal peyntures that Mayster Linkferste hath ymaad for my Tales of Canterburye – not oonly wolde it be a thing of muchel solaas to me, but it wolde be a good “pre… Continue reading LOL Vincit Omnia

Categorized as Silliness

Alive, Dead, or Bloody Furious?

The LOLcat phenomenon has reached the world of physics, with this Schrödinger cat picture, which is pretty good. I’m also amused by Serge’s poem from Making Light: Roses are red, Violets are blue. Is Schrödinger’s Cat dead? That remains up to you. I may need to get out more.

“And Jesus Sent Him to Scotland Where He Lived in a Loch for Oh, So Many Years…”

Via Charles Kuffner, a story about new footage of the Loch Ness Monster. It’s a dinosaur from the Bible… I tried to watch the video with the CNN story, but their annoying player took forever to load and the kept glitching up. So I fired up YouTube, and found this Scottish news broadcast. On the… Continue reading “And Jesus Sent Him to Scotland Where He Lived in a Loch for Oh, So Many Years…”

Categorized as Silliness

A Bunny Made of Cheese

A commenter in the “Bunnies Made of Cheese” thread points out a graphic that’s too good not to put on the front page (click for the original large image): Nobody tell the dog, ok?