Liquid Turkey

… or, Emmy’s Best Thanksgiving Ever! We did the traditional turkey-and-trimmings dinner Saturday with both sets of parents. Again, we brined the turkey overnight, following the Good Eats recipe, and other than a small glitch with the thermometer placement, everything went very well. The turkey was nicely roasted, moist, and juicy. And that’s where the… Continue reading Liquid Turkey

The Teammate Desirability Factor

Over at the World’s Fair, Dave is asking people for their scientific eponyms, that is, the formula they would like to have named after themselves. These are, of course, entirely made up. Here’s my contribution, from the scientific study of pick-up basketball: the Orzel Teammate Desirability Factor (TDF): The Factor ranges between positive and negative… Continue reading The Teammate Desirability Factor

Simple Answers to Complicated Questions

Dave Bacon watched “Judgement Day” last night, and has a question: It’s not like, you know, there aren’t people who think quantum theory is wrong or that quantum theory is somehow related to the Vedic teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. So why is it that quantum theory (which after all is “just a theory” wink,… Continue reading Simple Answers to Complicated Questions

The Dressed State Picture

I’ve never been one for costumes, but if you lean that way, and still don’t know what you’re going as tomorrow, Jennifer Ouellette offers some physics-themed Halloween costumes: Schrödinger’s Cat, Maxwell’s Demon, and BEC: If you’re looking for something a bit less mainstream, how about dressing up as a Bose-Einstein condensate this Halloween? That’s what… Continue reading The Dressed State Picture

We’re #1!

Dave at the World’s Fair has an idea for a “meme”: [Y]ou will attempt to find 5 statements, which if you were to type into google (preferably, but we’ll take the other country specific ones if need be), you’ll find that you are returned with your blog as the number one hit. This was,… Continue reading We’re #1!

Overheard on Campus

I was standing in the back of the Taiko Ensemble concert tonight, when two students I didn’t know came in, carrying large, elaborate Nerf guns. They had a certain… hunted look about them. “Hey,” I said, “Who’s winning?” “Oh, man,” said one, “The zombies are kicking our asses. They’re multiplying really fast.” Yes, it’s Humans… Continue reading Overheard on Campus