How Not to Control the Weather for Your Dog

Emmy, the Queen of Niskayuna, sitting in the snow hoping the camera will spit out some treats.

I’m rooting around in my bag for a pen, and pull out a laser pointer by mistake. Since I’d really prefer not to be grading, I flip it on and shine it on the floor next to the spot where Emmy is half-dozing. She immediately leaps up (she’s pretty spry for a dog of 12…),… Continue reading How Not to Control the Weather for Your Dog

Conceptual Physics Halloween Costumes 2014

A fine if somewhat intermittent tradition hereabouts has been the offering of high-concept Halloween costumes for people interested in physics, surfacing in 2010, 2012, and 2013. I’m a little too fried right now to do anything all that deep, but I’ll try to offer a few suggestions; see also these particle-physics suggestions from Symmetry magazine,… Continue reading Conceptual Physics Halloween Costumes 2014

One Does Not Simply Science Into Mordor

One does not simply science into Mordor

I recently shot a bunch of video of myself in front of a green screen, for something that will be revealed in due time. Of course, if you have green-screen footage of yourself, you’re pretty much obliged to do something silly with it, so here’s a quick GIMP-ing of a still from the video (also… Continue reading One Does Not Simply Science Into Mordor

Entrance Music

The AV Club had a Q&A last week asking “What would be your entrance music?” As a music fan and a sports junkie this is, of course, a nearly irresistable question, though a lot of other things got in the way before I could get around to typing up an answer. I’ve always kind of… Continue reading Entrance Music

The Real Pi Day(s)

Digits of pi, from

Today is March 14th, 3/14 in the normal American way of writing dates, so you’ll find a lot of silliness on the web today talking about “π Day” due to the coincidental similarity with the first three digits of π (see, for example, Rhett’s annual post). But, of course, this is an archaic and local… Continue reading The Real Pi Day(s)

Snow Plow Projectile Physics

A snow plow probably filling in the driveway somebody just cleared. From

We got over a foot of snow yesterday and today, so schools are closed. Except Union is a residential college, so we never close, which means I have to dig my car out all the same. Which I did, clearing a path to the unplowed street, then took Emmy for her morning walk. During which,… Continue reading Snow Plow Projectile Physics