Teleportation of Toddler Toys

Today is the official release date for the paperback edition of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, so I wanted to write up something cool about quantum physics to mark the occasion. I looked around the house for inspiration, and most of what we have lying around the house is SteelyKid’s toys. Thus, I… Continue reading Teleportation of Toddler Toys

Dance of the Photons by Anton Zeilinger

I hadn’t heard anything about Dance of the Photons: From Einstein to Quantum Teleportation before it turned up in my mailbox, courtesy of some kind publicist at Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, otherwise I would’ve been eagerly anticipating it. Anton Zeilinger is a name to conjure with in quantum optics, having built an impressive career out… Continue reading Dance of the Photons by Anton Zeilinger

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, Black Friday Edition

Today is “Black Friday,” the semi-ironic name given to the day after Thanksgiving when major retailers roll out Incredible! Deals! to draw shoppers in at an ungodly early hour. Personally, I don’t plan to come within a mile of a mall today, but if that’s what floats your boat… Of course, if you’re thinking of… Continue reading How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, Black Friday Edition

How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Update

I haven’t been doing these as regularly as I was earlier in the year, but here are a few interesting bits of news about How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: LA FISICA SPIEGATA AL MIO CANE, is now available. That’s the Italian edition, which Google translates to something like “Explaining Physics to My Dog.”… Continue reading How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Update

Physics Is All About Analogies

Regular commenter onymous left a comment to my review of Warped Passages that struck me as a little odd: The extended analogy between the renormalization group and a bureaucracy convinced me that she was trying way too hard to make sophisticated concepts comprehensible. Also, I’m not really sure that analogies are the best way to… Continue reading Physics Is All About Analogies

How to Teach Physics to Your Spanish Dog

I can’t resist interrupting the relatively productive day I’m having working on the new book to point you to Conversación de física con mi perro, the Spanish-language edtion of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, which sports this spiffy cover: I haven’t seen a physical copy of this yet, but the vanity search turned… Continue reading How to Teach Physics to Your Spanish Dog

Massive Giveaway: Guess the Number, Win a Book

In a case of poor communication between publicists, I have ended up with not one but two advance copies of Massive by Ian Sample, a forthcoming book about the Higgs Boson. As I barely have time to read one, I don’t remotely need two; thus, I will dispose of one with a really simple contest:… Continue reading Massive Giveaway: Guess the Number, Win a Book

Warped Passages by Lisa Randall

I have nothing useful or interesting to say about electoral politics, but I suspect that’s all people will want to read about today. So here’s a book post that’s been backlogged for quite a while. Lisa Randall’s Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions dates from 2005, and was, I think, part… Continue reading Warped Passages by Lisa Randall

How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog in the Times

The Times Higher Education magazine in the UK, that is. They ran a review of my book a couple of weeks ago, which I’ve only just noticed: The approach is quite entertaining. The tone of the book is chatty and contains some truly awful puns involving dogs, which, if you can stand them, make it… Continue reading How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog in the Times