Critical Chemical Information

Have you ever wondered about the accuracy of the descriptions in chemical manuals of what different compounds smell like? “Sure,” you say, “the book says that this smells like cheese, but does that really help me in my daily life?” Well, worry no more. Dylan Stiles does the experiment so you don’t have to. (If… Continue reading Critical Chemical Information

Uncertain Pop Quiz

Imagine that you are doing a physics lab to measure the velocity of a small projectile. After making a bunch of measurements to four significant figures, and doing a bunch of arithmetic, you get a value of 4.371928645 m/s. After yet more gruelling math, you find the uncertainty associated with this number to be 0.0316479825… Continue reading Uncertain Pop Quiz

New Aggregator

The people (well, person) who brought you the physics blog aggregator Mixed States have now rolled out a new biology-themed blog aggregator: Recombinants. At the moment, it only has about six feeds going into it, and the content is about 70% PZ Myers, so head over there and suggest some biology feeds to be added… Continue reading New Aggregator

Big Questions

Via BioCurious, a list of science questions every high school graduate should be able to answer: What percentage of the earth is covered by water? What sorts of signals does the brain use to communicate sensations, thoughts and actions? Did dinosaurs and humans ever exist at the same time? What is Darwin’s theory of the… Continue reading Big Questions

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