While I managed to correctly re-set the clock yesterday, in the process, I turned my alarm off, so I’m running late. Which means no lengthy science blogging this morning. Even running late, though, I can’t pass over Fred Clark’s message to the evangelicals who organized an anti-pop-culture rally in San Francisco: Stop it. Just stop.… Continue reading Stop Marking Your Territory
Category: Religion
Generations of Atheism
Writing the previous post about religion reminded me that I never did comment on the two student panels on religious matters that I went to a couple of weeks ago. The details aren’t terribly important, but they provide some local anecdotal support for Sean’s demographic point. (Alternate post title: “I Believe the Children Are Our… Continue reading Generations of Atheism
Why I Eat Fish on Fridays
To say I’m a lapsed Catholic would be an understatement. I haven’t set foot in a church in years, other than for a couple of weddings. I’ve never cared for parts of the official doctrine, and I think they blew it when they made Giblets Pope. In terms of general attitude toward religion, I’m sort… Continue reading Why I Eat Fish on Fridays
Zing! (Slightly Paraphrased)
While chasing links for a religion-in-politics post that may or may not get posted (my opinions on the subject are aggressively moderate, and while I could use the traffic, I don’t know that I want the headache), I ran across the swear-to-uphold quote again. PZ cites an unsourced blog post for the story, reproduced in… Continue reading Zing! (Slightly Paraphrased)
Fred Phelps: The Untold Story
Leonard Pitts has the scoop: Allow me to share with you an epiphany. I think Fred Phelps is gay. Not that I’d have any way to know for sure, and not that there’s anything wrong with that. But it seems obvious to me that Freddie has spent a little time up on Brokeback Mountain, if… Continue reading Fred Phelps: The Untold Story
Inordinately Fond of Beetles
In case you’ve ever found yourself longing for a math/physics version of J.B.S. Haldane, Scott Aaronson ponders the nature of God.
Metablashphemy! It is Sacriligious and Pretentious!
I feel like I ought to say something about the whole Danish cartoon mess, but really– and this isn’t something you’ll hear me say often about issues touching on religion– PZ has it about right. The paper in question has every right to print them, but when you get down to it, the cartoons themselves… Continue reading Metablashphemy! It is Sacriligious and Pretentious!