Get Out the Vote in Ohio

Word has reached me[1] that, “me that the most notorious creationist on the Ohio State Board of Education, Deborah Owens Fink, has a challenger in the Novemeber 7th election.” For the politically inclined out there, some information: The challenger is former Ohio congressman Tom Sawyer. She is asking for help from the other Citizens for… Continue reading Get Out the Vote in Ohio

Ethics of Death

Over at Retrospectacle, Shelley has decided to ask us all a nice, simple, uncontroversial question: “Are you for or against the death penalty, or (if its conditional), in what cases? Furthermore, do you believe that societies that sanction war are hypocritical for opposing the death penalty?” Yeesh. Actually, though, this is relatively easy to answer.… Continue reading Ethics of Death

Categorized as Politics

Relativity and Tiananmen Square

there’s a fascinating article in the TimeS this morning about Chinese physicist Xu Liangying, a man who has led an interesting life, to say the least: The first time he was purged, Xu Liangying was 27, an up-and-coming physicist, philosopher and historian and a veteran of the Communist underground. He had to divorce his wife,… Continue reading Relativity and Tiananmen Square

Stephen Colbert Is the News

I don’t usually post YouTube links and that sort of thing, because I figure everybody else in the world has watched them before I get there, but this clip of the Colbert Report is too good not to link. He gets right in the metaphorical face of a couple of morning shows that have done… Continue reading Stephen Colbert Is the News

Categorized as Politics

The Plight of Upstate

The Dean Dad has some interesting comments regarding this depressing New York Times article about the departure of young adults from Upstate New York: From 1990 to 2004, the number of 25-to-34-year-old residents in the 52 counties north of Rockland and Putnam declined by more than 25 percent. In 13 counties that include cities like… Continue reading The Plight of Upstate

Categorized as Politics

Politics and Academics

The esteemed Dr. Free-Ride has a post about politics responding to Sean Carroll’s recap of Yearly Kos. Both of them say things about the practice of politics that nicely encapsulate why I’m not a political activist– I’m too much of an academic: