As previously mentioned, Wesley Clark spoke on campus last night. The speech was pretty much what you’d expect from a once and future (?) Presidential aspirant with his background: he mostly talked about military matters, stressing that George Bush bad, Americ good, puppies and apple pie, yay! OK, not so much the puppies and apple… Continue reading Wesley Clark vs. Rote Protesters
Category: Politics
Questions for Wesley Clark?
Former general and presidential candidate Wesley Clark is going to be speaking on campus tomorrow night. I don’t expect there to be a lot of question time at this, but I’m fairly good at getting a chance to ask questions at these things, so if anyone has a suggestion of a really good question to… Continue reading Questions for Wesley Clark?
Matters of Democracy
As mentioned previously, there was a talk on campus last night by a couple of activists, Michael Berg and Joan Mandle. Berg is an anti-war activist, best known as the father of Nick Berg who was infamously beheaded on video in Iraq. He’s also a former Green Party candidate for Congress in Delaware. Mandle is… Continue reading Matters of Democracy
Virginia Tech
Another way of reading some of what I said last week would be as a statement that I would say something about the Virginia Tech killings, and what I think they mean in policy terms. This is really tough to do, in part because I still think it’s kind of tacky to be making political… Continue reading Virginia Tech
Gun Control
So, back when I was cussing a lot about the premature politicization of the Virginia Tech shootings, I threatened to give my real opinions on the subject of gun control on Monday. It’s Monday, and I try to be good to my word, so, this is that post. Dipping back into my shady past on… Continue reading Gun Control
Quagmire Arguments
The other night, while ranting to Kate between my posted rants about Virginia Tech (have I mentioned that she’s way too good to me?), I mentioned in passing that the gun control debate is one of the two great brain-sucking quagmire arguments of American politics, where even a passing mention ends up with all the… Continue reading Quagmire Arguments
The Final Word on Framing
Orac is struggling to understand the problem with “framing,” and thinks he has the answer: I’ve concluded that a lot of issues underlying this kerfuffle may be the difference between the “pure” scientists and science teachers (like PZ and Larry Moran, for example), who are not dependent upon selling their science for the continued livelihood… Continue reading The Final Word on Framing
An Indecorous Plea for Perspective
Mike Dunford didn’t like my previous post, and says that it’s important to talk about gun control right now: But we also cannot forget that people are dead. We cannot forget that people have been murdered. We cannot forget that many – too many – lives have been brought to a sudden, random end. We… Continue reading An Indecorous Plea for Perspective
A Vain Plea for Decorum
Like everybody else, I’m horrified by the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech. It’s the sort of nightmare situation you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. Of course, the bodies aren’t even cold yet, and already the blogosphere is a-flutter with people touting this as proof that the US needs to change its gun laws in… Continue reading A Vain Plea for Decorum
Jackie Robinson: Most Important American?
Yesterday, on my way in to work, I was listening to ESPN radio and Mike Greenberg made a bold assertion (paraphrased slightly): Jackie Robinson is one of the ten most important Americans of the twentieth century. Not just sports figures, Americans. Contrary sort that I am, my first thought was “I don’t think I believe… Continue reading Jackie Robinson: Most Important American?