
Ah, what loyal citizen of California doesn’t remember singing the state song, I Love You, California, every morning. Or was it saying the Pledge…my memory’s hazy. The reason I bring up state songs is not to bring up the ill-fated campaign to make “Born to Run” the New Jersey state song (this town rips the… Continue reading Huzzah!

Report on Improving Science Education

The National Science Board has released a draft report for public comment titled “A National Action Plan for Addressing the Critical Needs of the U.S. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education System.” You can dowload the PDF of the report from that page, and email any comments to: I’ve only skimmed the report, so… Continue reading Report on Improving Science Education

Those Wacky Liberal Academics

Via Inside Higher Ed, the Center for Responsive Politics has a new report on political contributions by academics So far in the ’08 election cycle, people who work for institutions of higher education have given more than $7 million to federal candidates, parties and committees, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Nearly 60… Continue reading Those Wacky Liberal Academics

Outrage is Good

Via Big Media Matt, a video that’s too good not to share: I have a lot more respect for Pat Leahy now. I wouldn’t’ve been able to respond to that without a few F-bombs.

Categorized as Politics

Atheist Charity Results

So, you may or may not recall that last week, Matt Nisbet posted about a study purporting to show that religious people were more generous in their charitable giving than atheists. One of his commenters opted to go for the “sour grapes” response, claiming that religious charities were all stupid, and asking rhetorically: How many… Continue reading Atheist Charity Results

Categorized as Politics

Olive Earth

I know, it’s “Live Earth,” but they’ve got this giant blue-green circle at the left of their logo, which makes it look like an illuminated initial capital… So, the latest charity rock specatcle is scheduled to start tonight. I can’t say I’ve been paying any attention– I only noticed it today because the New York… Continue reading Olive Earth