A Ticklish Situation

It has come to my attention that unspecified people are having a bad couple of days for unspecified reasons and could use a pick-me-up. Thus, I give you the cutest laughing baby in the universe. Hope this helps. Have a nice day.

That Time of Year

It’s that time of year again in academia. The time when academics at other institutions write posts directed at graduates, reminding me that summer is starting for everybody else, while we have another four %$^*$ing weeks to go before the end of the term. Grumble, mutter, grump. Stupid calendar.

Old and Lame, but Funny

I’m walking a little gingerly today, thanks to an injury to my left foot. Sadly, this was not the result of anything cool, like rescuing orphans from a burning building, or dunking a basketball in order to win a league championship. Instead, I bruised the bottom of my foot by landing on one of Emmy’s… Continue reading Old and Lame, but Funny

It’s Hard Work Being a Baby

Well, it is. What with the jumping around, and the giggling, and waving toys in the air, and the tickling and giggling, and taking a walk in the stroller… It just tires a baby right out.

Thursday Baby Blogging, Friday Edition 042409

SteelyKid says “Look at me! I’m HUGE!” Seriously, look at how small she used to be. This is it as far as blogging today, by the way. I have to teach a class, and then I need to get through the copyedits on the book-in-production. Try to contain your disappointment.