It’s really getting difficult to get good Baby Blogging pictures, now that SteelyKid is mobile. We’ve had to resort to trying to sneak Appa into the background when she pauses to regroup by chewing on an outgrown outfit: That’s not the best Appa-for-scale picture, I know, but it’s tough. This one is better, but you… Continue reading Thursday Baby Blogging 073009
Category: Personal
Thursday Baby Blogging 072309
It’s been a really busy week, so I’m too fried to do anything but a really basic Baby Blogging picture. So here’s SteelyKid with Appa and some of her many other toys: The biggest recent milestone is that she’s started eating actual food– pieces of cereal, little dried banana puffs, and that sort of thing.… Continue reading Thursday Baby Blogging 072309
Belated Baby Blogging 071709
After a long service outage, our home Internet is back, and I can post Baby Blogging pictures. Of course, it’s not as easy to get those as it used to be, because SteelyKid is always on the move these days: You pretty much have to hold her in place to keep her in the frame:
Thursday Baby Blogging 070909
This is an action shot, but you can’t really tell. An instant after this was taken, SteelyKid succeeded in getting Appa off the couch, and thumped down hard on her butt. This is also “Late-Wednesday Baby Blogging,” as Kate and SteelyKid left for Readercon early this morning (well, Kate is bound for Readercon. SteelyKid is… Continue reading Thursday Baby Blogging 070909
Ad Astra Per Aspera II: The Climbening
A bunch of heavy stuff on the blog today– quantum physics, insulting journalists, political activism. Here’s a cute baby video to lighten the mood: This is Steelyid demonstrating her climbing prowess, just in case anybody suspected that Saturday’s filler picture was staged. She can actually go quite a bit faster than this, but she kept… Continue reading Ad Astra Per Aspera II: The Climbening
Genesis 11:1-9 (Slight Variation)
A reading from the Book of Genesis: 1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to,… Continue reading Genesis 11:1-9 (Slight Variation)
Ad Astra Per Aspera
SteelyKid shows off her recently expanded climbing ability: I could attempt to make a strained connection to the Fourth of July by making some analogy between a baby climbing stairs and the need for constant slow improvement in the national character, or some such. But really, it’s just a cute baby picture being posted as… Continue reading Ad Astra Per Aspera
Thursday Baby Blogging 070209
SteelyKid has recovered her usual energy level, as you can tell by the giant debris field she’s created in the living room: Looking at her there, among the scattered toys with Appa, you might be saying “Boy, what a great big baby she is!” It’s all a matter of perspective, though:
Baby Swimwear Note
Whoever came up with the idea of making little string bikinis in infant sizes should be beaten to death with Barbie dolls. Seriously. The world does not need 6-9 month size versions of the useless “swimwear” that gets modeled in Sports Illustrated. We barely need the adult versions.
Total Proposal Security
The National Science Foundation uses a computerized proposal-and-report submission system called FastLane. When I first submitted a proposal, this required three things to log in: your last name, your Social Security number, and a password of your choice. Sometime in the last year, they stopped using the SSN, and switched to a randomly generated nine-digit… Continue reading Total Proposal Security