Bonus Baby Blogging

We’re headed out for a last road trip before the start of classes, taking SteelyKid to visit her great-grandmother and great-great-aunts. Why? Because she’s this cute: If you had a baby that cute, wouldn’t you take her on the road? I thought so. Normal-ish blogging will resume Tuesday. I’m scheduling a few other pictures to… Continue reading Bonus Baby Blogging

Basketball Baby

One of the nice things about being a parent is getting to introduce SteelyKid to my own obsessions. Like, for example, the great game of basketball: “You want me to throw this how high?” Maybe we’ll stick with something a little smaller for now: (Hey to Todd Clark, who gave us the toy hoop…)

Social Network Baby

SteelyKid shows off the latest in clothes for geeky toddlers: It’s not really the official Twitter logo bird, but it’s pretty close. After this was taken, we spent a good half hour playing a rousing game of “Clueless Mail Carrier”:

Thursday Baby Blogging 082709

SteelyKid says “Pose with Appa? No way! I’m a baby on the go!” I actually did get a couple of reasonable Appa-for-scale shots (one is below the fold), but I like the action quality of this one. It’s an accurate representation of what she’s like at the moment, too.

New Toy

I’ve caught the intestinal thing that was making Kate’s life miserable the last couple days, and the less said about that the better. Happily, my new camera arrived (Canon Rebel XSi/ 450D), giving me something to play with while I try to remain hydrated. And I have to say, it’s a nice new toy: I… Continue reading New Toy

Obsessive-Compulsive Poll: Light Switches

I’m doing better today, but still a little wobbly, and trying to conserve my energy for the Bruce Springsteen concert tonight. Thus, a poll: Imagine you have a light switch box containing multiple switches, like to one at right. These switches control lights in adjoining areas of the house– say, the living room, and the… Continue reading Obsessive-Compulsive Poll: Light Switches

How to Choose a College

It’s that time of year again, when the US News rankings come out (confirming my undergrad alma mater as the Best in All the Land) and everybody in academia gets all worked up about What It All Means. There are always a few gems in there with all the pointless hand-wringing, though, and Timothy Burke… Continue reading How to Choose a College