SteelyKid says, “Baby Blogging time again? Can it wait? I’m in the middle of a book…” She is her parents’ daughter… And also a Great Big Baby, as you can see from this picture of her cuddling Appa:
Category: Personal
Revenge of the Squirrels
“OK, thanks very much. I’ll pick it up at six, or a little after.” I hang up the phone. I can feel the dog’s eyes on my back. “So what was that about?” she asks. “Oh, that was the Ford dealer,” I say casually. “They’re done with my car.” The dashboard lit up like a… Continue reading Revenge of the Squirrels
Silly Poll: Beverages
I’m a little fried from yesterday’s frantic running around, so while there are a couple of physics things I’d like to write about, I have neither the time nor the brainpower. So here’s a silly little poll, prompted by the large amount of ice I go through at home (I’m trying to lose some weight,… Continue reading Silly Poll: Beverages
Physicists for President
I’ve gotten a couple of emails asking what I think of the fact that the new president of Williams College is a theoretical physicist. So, here are my (very brief) thoughts on the matter: 1) As a general matter, I’m happy to see scientists in administrative positions. They tend to have a better appreciation of… Continue reading Physicists for President
Thursday Baby Blogging 092409
SteelyKid says, “Daaaad! This is no time for Baby Blogging!” “Appa and I are reading Dinosaur vs. Bedtime. Come back and take a picture later!”
Quantization of Pants
One of the errands I ran Sunday with SteelyKid was a run to the local Eddie Bauer outlet to pick up a couple more pairs of khakis for work (well, they’re black, actually, but in style the same as the khaki ones). As is often the case, I ended up buying two different sizes– not… Continue reading Quantization of Pants
I’m working on a badly-neglected project this morning, so here are a couple of pictures of SteelyKid from yesterday’s trip to the park. (You can see more in my Flickr sets, linked at left.) This one gets you the basic idea of what it’s like taking a very active toddler to the playground: Finish one… Continue reading Wheeee!
Thursday Baby Blogging 091709
SteelyKid says “Yayyy! Baby Blogging on the stairs!” (Not shown: Kate making a similar mouth-wide-open face for a very different reason…)
September 12, 2009
I almost forgot about yesterday’s anniversary– I didn’t think of it at all until the fulsome tribute before Thursday night’s football game. I actually waffled for a bit about whether to put up the annual moment-of-silence post. It’s been eight years, everybody’s concerns have shifted to other things, and September 11, 2001 doesn’t loom quite… Continue reading September 12, 2009
Thursday Pretzel Blogging 091009
SteelyKid is cutting a couple of molars at the moment, and Cathy at day care mentioned that she was getting some relief by using a pretzel rod as a sort of edible teether that could reach all the way to the back of her mouth. So we picked some up, and they’ve been a big… Continue reading Thursday Pretzel Blogging 091009