We hosted Thanksgiving this year, and SteelyKid was the life of the party. When she saw Grandpa make the unwise decision to sit down on the couch with a glass of red wine, she came running, and spilled it all over him. To make up for it, she graciously decided to include him in this… Continue reading Thursday Baby Blogging 112609
Category: Personal
What I’m Thankful For
Chiefly, this: Also, this: Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers; the rest of you, have a lovely Thursday.
Dinosaur Baby
I have a whole slew of grading that I need to do, so here’s some baby video to keep you entertained: While it may not sound that way, this is SteelyKid in a very, very good mood. The high-pitched dinosaur shrieks are happy shrieks. And the silly baby running is very cute.
How to Teach Physics to Your Dog is a Real Book!
Look! How to Teach Physics to Your Dog is a real book: Emmy says, very seriously, “You will buy a copy, won’t you?” Of course, like everything else in this house, SteelyKid had to grab a copy:
November Basketball: SU-Cal, UNC-OSU
Kate and I went to the two games of the “semifinals” of the 2K Sports Classic Supporting Coaches vs. Cancer, Your Name Here for a Prince pre-season “tournament” last night (the scare quotes are because the four teams playing last night were guaranteed to be playing last night, regardless of what happened in the earlier… Continue reading November Basketball: SU-Cal, UNC-OSU
Thursday Baby Blogging 111909
Actually, this ought to be “Wednesday Morning Baby Blogging,” as that’s when the picture was taken. Kate and I are going to New York City for the weekend, though, and SteelyKid is spending the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa in Scenic Whitney Point. So, you get an early picture, posted late: This was taken just… Continue reading Thursday Baby Blogging 111909
Poll: New York State of Mind
Kate has a court appearance in New York tomorrow, and we’re making a long weekend of it. I’m typing this from my parents’ house, where I’m dropping SteelyKid off for some quality time with Grandma and Grandpa, and tomorrow, I’m heading down to The City. I’ve got some meetings scheduled tomorrow afternoon, and Friday at… Continue reading Poll: New York State of Mind
Thursday Baby Blogging 111209
An indignant SteelyKid says “What do you mean I can’t go to day care? I’m perfectly healthy!” She is, indeed, doing much better. Last night, I wasn’t sure you’d get any Baby Blogging at all, because snot and fever don’t make for a photogenic baby. She’s waddling around in more or less her usual state… Continue reading Thursday Baby Blogging 111209
Cranky Toddler Poll
SteelyKid had a check-up yesterday, and got three shots (chicken pox, MMR, and seasonal flu). This may or may not be related to her high fever and general misery last night; whatever the cause, she was not a happy camper. Since she can’t very well go to day care like that, I’m staying home with… Continue reading Cranky Toddler Poll
Where Were You When…?
I failed to write something on the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall yesterday, partly because I think the other six million blog posts on the subject had it pretty well covered. Another factor, though, was the fact that I don’t have the sort of crystal-clear recollection of where I was and what… Continue reading Where Were You When…?