The message is: “I have a chair!” SteelyKid’s new chair is a kid-sized black fake-leather armchair from Target. We originally set out looking for a kid-sized table and chair set that she could use to draw on, but the only ones on offer at Babysaurus were chintzy particle board things with Disney characters all over… Continue reading A Message from the Chair
Category: Personal
Thursday Baby Blogging 012810
Tonight was bath night, so here’s a fresh and clean SteelyKid, showing off her pink penguin pajamas: I’m pretty beat tonight, so that’s all I’ve got: cute baby, penguin PJ’s. That ought to be enough for anyone, though.
More Entropy, Less Spanking
I’m currently a bit less than halfway through Sean Carroll’s From Eternity to Here, which has leaped to the top of the literary inbox because I’ll be hosting a Book Salon at firedoglake next Saturday evening. If you want to see how my limited typing skills work in a live chat setting, be sure to… Continue reading More Entropy, Less Spanking
What a Drag It Is Getting Old
There’s an expert-level debate going on in the comments of Wednesday’s quantum essentials post, and I do have some thoughts on the matter that I will eventually type up (in a top-level post rather than a comment, at this point). It’s Friday, though, and I’m kind of fried. So here’s some wibbling about pop music… Continue reading What a Drag It Is Getting Old
Thursday Baby Blogging 012110
Here we see SteelyKid enjoying our post-day-care ritual: kickin’ back, eatin’ pretzels, and watching Pardon the Interruption: “LeBatard always ruins Odds Makers,” she says. “He’s silly…” There was some screaming and crying a little bit before this was taken, not that you can tell. Pretzels and juice fixed everything. May it always be that simple.
Thursday Substitute Parent Blogging 011410
Kate here: Since Chad’s out of town, you get Substitute Parent Blogging today. It’s with my non-DSLR camera (and also taken very fast before she decided she wanted the camera more than what she had), it’s with something other than Appa, and it’s eloquent of “I miss Daddy and want to be just like him.”
I Wasn’t Made for These Times
As I’ve mentioned before, I have a cell phone that’s just a cell phone– no data plan, no camera, no nothing. It’s also a few years old, so the battery life isn’t what it could be. I was a little concerned about that, so I made a point of plugging it into the charger last… Continue reading I Wasn’t Made for These Times
Fitness Requires Challenge
Depending on what you read at ScienceBlogs other than this blog, you may have noticed a New Year’s fitness theme. Blame Ethan. So, now, everybody’s posting workout tips and the like. Which means, of course, that I’m obliged to post my Fitness Secrets here for free, when I could be charging money for them to… Continue reading Fitness Requires Challenge
Austin, We Have a Problem
The problem is, “What is Chad going to do in Austin, Texas on Thursday night?” I have recently been appointed to the APS Committee on Informing the Public, which is having a meeting in Austin this Thursday, January 14th. Of course, as neither Austin nor Albany is a major airport, the travel to and from… Continue reading Austin, We Have a Problem
Thursday Cinderella Blogging 010710
SteelyKid is seventeen months old today, and how does she celebrate? By scrubbing the floors in the mud room: Honest to God, she does this all on here own. I think it’s driven by the same impulse as the tissue relay— she’ll grab a tissue or a paper towel, run into the mud room, and… Continue reading Thursday Cinderella Blogging 010710