Thanksgiving 2014

SteelyKid's Thanksgiving card.

SteelyKid’s first-grade class has been doing a bunch of Thanksgiving stuff. A lot of this is the lies-to-children version of the first Thanksgiving, and some of that is a little dubious (they had a dress-up “feast” on Tuesday, where SteelyKid was an Indian with a construction-paper vest and feathered headband, and oh, the parental eye-rolling…).… Continue reading Thanksgiving 2014

How to Build a Rocketship

SteelyKid and The Pip illustrate the process of science.

The Pip’s current phrase of choice is “How do you build…?” We get asked this several times a day. “Daddy, how do you build a glass?” “Well, you get the right kind of sand, and you get it really hot, so hot it melts. Then you make it into the shape of a glass, and… Continue reading How to Build a Rocketship

Benefits of an Academic Day Job

The central quad at Union; the big building in the center is the Nott Memorial, the obligatory building-on-the-letterhead that every college must have.

I’ve been quieter than usual here, partly because I’ve been crushingly busy, but primarily because most of the things I want to talk about, I can’t. Not yet, anyway. But I’m still alive, and this murderous term will be over soon, at which point blogging will pick up a bit. I will throw in a… Continue reading Benefits of an Academic Day Job

Happy Pip Day

The Pip explaining to the world in general that today is his third birthday.

Exactly three years ago today, The Pip arrived, in a manner that will allow him to kill Macbeth should that become necessary. This is the age where kids first become aware of the concept of birthdays, so he’s just a tiny bit excited about this. He’s a fast-developing Little Dude, chattering more and more every… Continue reading Happy Pip Day

Cute Kids Weekend

The Pip as Winnie-the-Pooh, and SteelyKid as a Lego construction worker. From the free caricature artist at Kids Night at LT's Grill in Niskayuna.

It’s been a brutally busy couple of weeks here, what with reading folders for the job searches we have going on, trying to keep on top of my class, and multiple day-care closings for the Jewish holidays. But the kids are still very cute, as you can see from the above caricatures of The Pip… Continue reading Cute Kids Weekend

One Does Not Simply Science Into Mordor

One does not simply science into Mordor

I recently shot a bunch of video of myself in front of a green screen, for something that will be revealed in due time. Of course, if you have green-screen footage of yourself, you’re pretty much obliged to do something silly with it, so here’s a quick GIMP-ing of a still from the video (also… Continue reading One Does Not Simply Science Into Mordor

Eureka: “Fun, Diverse, and Accessible”

Cover for the book-in-progress.

The exciting news of the week: Eureka: Discovering Your Inner Scientist has gotten a starred review in Publishers Weekly. Woo-hoo! They’ve said nice things about my previous two books, but getting the star is a big deal. And it’s a really good capsule description of the book, with a great pull quote in the last… Continue reading Eureka: “Fun, Diverse, and Accessible”

Drumming for Fall

Trees just starting to turn by Lock 7

The JCC is closed today for Rosh Hashanah– and best wishes for a happy new year to those who celebrate it– so I’m spending the morning with The Pip before Kate comes home to take the afternoon shift while I teach my class. SteelyKid is in school today as usual, so don’t tell her, but… Continue reading Drumming for Fall

Cash and Respect

The London School of Economics has a report on a study of academic refereeing (PDF) that looked at the effect of incentives on referee behavior. They found that both a “social incentive” (posting the time a given referee took to turn around the papers they reviewed on a web site) and a cash incentive ($100… Continue reading Cash and Respect