How Fast Is SteelyKid’s Nerf Gun?

SteelyKid, zombie hunter.

SteelyKid is spending a couple of days this week at “Nerf Camp” at the school where she does taekwondo. This basically consists of a bunch of hyped-up kids in a big room doing martial activities– taekwondo class, board breaking, and “Nerf war” where they build an obstacle course and then shoot each other with dart… Continue reading How Fast Is SteelyKid’s Nerf Gun?

Top Blogging of 2010, Then and Now

Pageviews on this blog for the last few years. Vertical axis deliberately obscured.

The final bit of meta-blogging I’ll do this weekend is another look at what survives from past years. Unfortunately, when National Geographic took over, they broke our Google Analytics access, so I can’t see blog stats from before mid-2012 any more. I do, however, have this old post listing the top posts of 2010, traffic-wise,… Continue reading Top Blogging of 2010, Then and Now

What Survives from 2013’s Blogging?

Pageviews on this blog for the last few years. Vertical axis deliberately obscured.

Continuing the weekend theme of meta-blogging, one of the questions I’ve occasionally wondered about in doing top-posts lists for a given year is the problem of a bias against recency– that is, that posts put up toward the end of the year are inherently at a disadvantage because they’ve had less time to integrate up… Continue reading What Survives from 2013’s Blogging?

Top Blogging Actually Done in 2014

Pageviews on this blog for the last few years. Vertical axis deliberately obscured.

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post about what draws the most traffic here, I went through and pulled out the top 20 posts from the blog (by traffic) for the calendar year 2014 that were first published in 2014. Numbers after the links are the fraction of the total pageviews for the year that each… Continue reading Top Blogging Actually Done in 2014

The State of Blogging 2015

Pageviews on this blog for the last few years. Vertical axis deliberately obscured.

I was going to let Andrew Sullivan’s departure from blogging pass without comment– I haven’t been a regular reader of his stuff in around ten years, after all– but a couple of mysterious guys in dark suits showed up at the house and pointed out that as someone who started blogging in 2002, I would… Continue reading The State of Blogging 2015

Why Is Snow White?

Emmy, the Queen of Niskayuna, sitting in the snow hoping the camera will spit out some treats.

It didn’t make the news, because skittish media types are mostly based in New York City and thus don’t care about anything north of Westchester County, but we had a big snow storm yesterday. It started snowing Sunday night, though, and kept up through pretty much dinnertime Monday. Both the local schools and the snow-day… Continue reading Why Is Snow White?

The Problem with (and Promise of) Word Problems

Math with Bad Drawings has a post about “word problems” that will sound very familiar to anyone who’s taught introductory physics. As he notes, the problem with “word problems” for math-phobic students is that it requires translating words into symbols, and then using the symbols to select a procedure. It adds a step to what… Continue reading The Problem with (and Promise of) Word Problems

Fly, Fly Away

The Pip simulates a big gust of wind.

Tonight’s bedtime stories included two books involving flying characters: Foo, the Flying Frog of Washtub Pond (in which the title character gets blown into the sky by a gust of wind), and The Magic Brush. The latter is a dead-grandparent book, but ends with a cheerful picture of the kids reunited with their grandfather in… Continue reading Fly, Fly Away

Hiring Completed

Having made several mentions here of the two tenure-track faculty positions we were trying to fill, I feel like I ought to at least note the completion of the search. As of last Friday, all the papers have been signed with properly dotted i’s and crossed t’s, and we have two new tenure-track assistant professors… Continue reading Hiring Completed