Musical Poll: 99 ___?

It’s the last week of the winter term here, so here is a totally serious and important music-related poll question: Which do you prefer?survey software (OK, maybe the end-of-term craziness is making me just a tiny bit punchy…)

Bill Simmons and Chuck Klosterman to Wreck My Productivity

As has been mentioned numerous other places, ESPN is backing a new Bill Simmons project, which basically sounds like a pop-culture blog network kind of thing, headlined by Simmons and Chuck Klosterman. I saw this a while ago (I think I may have tagged a press release for a Links Dump), but was reminded of… Continue reading Bill Simmons and Chuck Klosterman to Wreck My Productivity

Best Music of 2010

I’ve shifted the iTunes shuffle from the Christmas-music playlist over to the top-rated songs of the year playlist because, well, it’s the time of year when anybody with any pretension of writing about pop culture does some sort of Top N list to wrap up the year. And, since I’ve got “pop culture” right up… Continue reading Best Music of 2010

Notes Toward a Unified Theory of Modern Christmas Songs

As is often noted, most modern recordings of Christmas songs range from utterly bland to excruciatingly awful. There are some that sorta-kinda work, though, and a bare few that are brilliant: In the interest of promoting, you know, music that doesn’t suck, it’s perhaps worth taking a look at what makes the good songs work.… Continue reading Notes Toward a Unified Theory of Modern Christmas Songs

25 Years of Great Albums

It feels a little weird not to be doing a Short Story Club entry, so here’s a different sort of pop culture item: Over at EphBlog, my classmate Derek Catsam has decided to break up the carnival of reactionary politics by commenting on great albums, jumping off from Spin‘s Top 125 of the Last 25… Continue reading 25 Years of Great Albums