Serious News from Outer Space

There have been a number of true and non-silly stories about astronomy and cosmology recently, which I’ll collect here as penance for the earlier silly post: Some theorists at Penn State have constructed a Loop Quantum Gravity model that they claim allows for an oscillating universe with no singularities. In one of those psychology-of-the-press moments,… Continue reading Serious News from Outer Space

Amateur Hour

Between the concert last night and an afternoon cookout at the house of one of Kate’s co-workers, we were out of the house for most of the day yesterday. This means light blogging today, as I struggle to deal with the stuff I really should’ve done yesterday. I do want to note, though, the New… Continue reading Amateur Hour

“Open the Pod Bay Doors, HAL”

As a science fiction fan, when I see a dramatic headline like Computer Flaw Could Imperil Space Station, I can’t help thinking of murderous AI’s. Sadly, the real problem is much more prosaic: The [International Space Station] depends on Russian and American computer systems to maintain the attitude of the station as it orbits the… Continue reading “Open the Pod Bay Doors, HAL”

New Rocky Planet

I have two labs on Tuesdays, which is even more exhausting than it sounds, so I went to be early last night. And woke up to find a whole new planet. You guys need to give me some warning about these things… Anyway, the planet in question orbits a red dwarf star a mere 20… Continue reading New Rocky Planet