High Stakes Cheating

From EurekAlert, we learn that corporate executives are a bunch of cheaters, when the incentives are right: According to the authors, “Our results demonstrate two factors substantially increase the likelihood of financial misrepresentation: extremely low performance relative to average performance in the firm’s industry, and high percentages of CEO compensation in stock options.” The study… Continue reading High Stakes Cheating

Great Moments in Student Course Evaluations

In response to a question about “Other aspects of the instructor’s teaching,” one student in my recently completed E&M class wrote: Prof. Orzel gives the impression of an everyday guy who just happens to have a vast but hidden knowledge of physics and the course was taught in that slightly utilitarian approach. I’ve been looking… Continue reading Great Moments in Student Course Evaluations

Better Science Teaching Costs Money

Another itme from yesterday’s Inside Higher Ed that’s worth a mention is a report about a new call for improved science teacher in the public schools: The report by the Business-Higher Education Forum (BHEF) is distinguished from the many other recent reports on the subject, the forum’s leaders said, by the group’s emphasis as much… Continue reading Better Science Teaching Costs Money

Categorized as Education

In Defense of Fiction Reading

Eductaion reform is a contentious topic, and everybody has their own ideas about the best ways to improve the teaching of basic skills. Some people favor a “whole language” approach, others think we should go back to teaching phonics and memorizing grammar rules. I’ve heard people speak of “diagramming sentences” as absolutely the worst idea… Continue reading In Defense of Fiction Reading

Labs and Learning

Steve Gimbel at Philosopher’s Playground is calling for the abolition of lab classes:p> As an undergrad I majored in both philosophy and physics and I have a confession my former physics profs will surely not like — everything I know about physics, I learned from my theory classes. You see, science classes come in two… Continue reading Labs and Learning

Teacher-Firing Followup

There are some comments in the earlier post about firing teachers that probably deserve responses. They don’t deserve the responses they would’ve gotten yesterday, though, as I was grading lab reports all morning, and the snark level was high. Having cooled off a bit, I’ll try to get back to that today (day job permitting).… Continue reading Teacher-Firing Followup

Categorized as Education