World Cup Update

It was a lazy Sunday in Chateau Steelypips, what with the party Saturday afternoon, so I watched a fair amount of soccer. I saw nearly all of the England-Ecuador game, and the second half of the Portugal-Netherlands game. This has made something clear to me: The most difficult thing to find in international soccer is… Continue reading World Cup Update

Categorized as Soccer


I’ve got a grant proposal to review, and a progress report to write for one of my own grants, so you’re getting short, link-y physics blogging: – The Strings 2006 conference has ended, with the participants apparently deciding to keep up with this “string theory” thing (maybe you’ve heard of it?) for a little while… Continue reading Stringamathing


Some sort of network problem at Verizon cut Chateau Steelypips off from the Intenets yesterday, but that was all right, as we were hosting a party for some friends from work, and had other things to do. The weather, which had been predicted to be lousy, turned out to be fine, and a good time… Continue reading Werewolves!

Categorized as Silliness

The Future… And Beyond!

It’s almost finished now, so this is a little late in being posted, but the Washington Post has been running a week-long series of on-line chats with noted “futurists,” under the title Beyond the Future. I’m a little dubious about most “futurism,” but reading about people’s predictions for future trends and gadgets can be a… Continue reading The Future… And Beyond!

World Cup Post-Mortem

So, the US lost to Ghana yesterday, ending the World Cup for the Americans. I watched most of the second half, and it was pretty frustrating. Amazingly, Ghana was actually more theatrical than Italy, with the flopping and the flailing and the writhing on the ground as if in agony– there should’ve been about fifteen… Continue reading World Cup Post-Mortem

Categorized as Soccer

Commenting Issues?

There’s been some behind-the-scenes talk of the resurfacing of the annoying comment bug, which we had thought was fixed. I haven’t noticed any problems myself, but I have noticed that the comment traffic is down a bit. I just attributed that to the fact that I haven’t written much lately that was comment-worthy, but if… Continue reading Commenting Issues?

Ask a ScienceBlogger: Cartoon Edition

OK, it’s not an official Ask a ScienceBlogger question (that answer will show up next week), but over at the World’s Fair, they’ve raised an important scholarly question via a scene from The Simpsons: Marge: Homer? Homer: Yelloh? Marge: There’s a man here who thinks he can help you. Homer: Batman? Marge: No, he’s a… Continue reading Ask a ScienceBlogger: Cartoon Edition

Science and Religion Update

I’m not about to stay up all night to post to every channel on the front page, but I will make a brief appearance in the “Culture Wars” channel, not my usual space, to note two science and religion items: 1) Rob Knop offers lecture slides on the scientific method, and the difference between scientific… Continue reading Science and Religion Update

Categorized as Science

Old Tunes Update

Two music-related follow-up items: Over on her LiveJournal, Kate has a more complete concert report from the Springsteen show, including a full set list, and some links to Springsteen resources. Elsewhere in blogdom, the Blog on Bach is unhappy with my Old Tunes Experiment. The author seems to take the whole thing a little too… Continue reading Old Tunes Update

Categorized as Music

Assume a Spherical Cow

Over at bento-box, there’s a nice response to my recent post about simulations. He makes the very good point that the Sandia press release in question could sensibly be read as referring to the fact that recent computer technology requires fewer simplifying approximations: Well, it isn’t really until quite recently that computers have gotten fast… Continue reading Assume a Spherical Cow

Categorized as Physics