World Cup Dog-Blogging

The great thing about soccer is that even pets can get in on the game: Here, Emmy shows off her ability to bat things around on the floor, in honor of the Germany-Argentina game coming up today. The toy in question is a Buster Cube, which we heartily endorse– it’s a plastic cube with a… Continue reading World Cup Dog-Blogging

Categorized as Dog

How Do You Judge an Interpretation?

Matt Leifer, whose blog I hadn’t previously encountered, has a long and fascinating post on evaluation criteria for quantum interpretations. “Interpretation” here means the stuff of countless “Isn’t Quantum Mechanics weird?” books– Copenhagen, Many-Worlds, Bohmian hidden variable theories, all that stuff. These are the “meta-theories” that are used to explain how you get from all… Continue reading How Do You Judge an Interpretation?

Fun With Diode Lasers

I ended the previous laser post by noting that diode lasers need some additional wavelength selection to be done in order to be useful as light sources for spectroscopy experiments. In their natural state, they tend to emit light over a broader range of wavelengths than is really ideal, and we’d like to narrow that… Continue reading Fun With Diode Lasers

So, CERN Has a Particle Accelerator?

A little while back, JoAnne at Cosmic Variance reported on the status of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the giant next-generation accelerator that is the cover story for the current print issue of Seed. Particle experimentalist Gordon Watts reports in with some more technical details about the delay in the proposed turn-on schedule. He’s also… Continue reading So, CERN Has a Particle Accelerator?

The Perverse Incentives of Tenure

From America’s Finest News Source: Professor Pressured To Sleep With Student For Good Course Evaluation FAYETTEVILLE, AR–Alan Gilchrist, an associate professor of English literature at the University of Arkansas infamous for his tough grading standards and dry lecturing style, was coerced into sleeping with an undergraduate on Monday in order to earn a good course… Continue reading The Perverse Incentives of Tenure

Categorized as Academia