The Poincare Conjecture

There’s an interesting article in the Times today about Grisha Perelman and the Poincare conjecture: Three years ago, a Russian mathematician by the name of Grigory Perelman, a k a Grisha, in St. Petersburg, announced that he had solved a famous and intractable mathematical problem, known as the Poincaré conjecture, about the nature of space.… Continue reading The Poincare Conjecture

Keeping Us In the Dark

You might think that, being a sciene blogger and all, I would have sources of science news that aren’t available to the average person on the street. You would be right, though they’re not as useful as you might think… The source for today’s news teaser is actually a thank-you email from a prospective student… Continue reading Keeping Us In the Dark

Pimp Me New Cars

As Kate and I set out to run errands the other day, the “Service Engine Soon” idiot light came on in my car (a 1999 Ford Taurus LX). This may or may not mean anything– Kate got one of those in her Prius a while back and it was nothing– but if it’s actually an… Continue reading Pimp Me New Cars

Hooray, Beer!

Beer is wonderful stuff. Not only is it the subject of the oldest known recipe, some have argued that agricultural civilization started in order to brew beer– see, for example, the comments in this article. And, remarkably, despite the inclusion of both “alcohol” and “carbonated beverages” in the list of things that people with heartburn… Continue reading Hooray, Beer!

Categorized as Food

Audiobooks of the Times

Not a lot in the Times this week (other than, you know, depressing news about the Middle East), but I did find their piece on couples arguing over audiobooks amusing: [L]ately an unwitting group has been parachuting into the matrimonial crossfire: authors. As more couples discover how an audio book breaks the monotony of a… Continue reading Audiobooks of the Times

Categorized as Books

When Opportunity Knocks Your House Down

Via Making Light, Aasif Mandvi on The Daily Show delivers a blistering yet deadpan assessment of American Middle East policy to date. I deeply resent living in a world where the only worthwhile political commentary comes from a comedy show.

Categorized as War