Physics Blogging Equilibirum

Some new additions to the physics blogroll: 1) Not all that new, but I keep forgetting to post a link: Clifford Johnson has spun off Asymptotia from Cosmic Variance, to house his own brand of bike-riding, concert-going, vegetable-buying physics blogging. If you read Clifford’s stuff at Cosmic Variance, you know what you’re getting. If you… Continue reading Physics Blogging Equilibirum

Too Stupid to Be a Scientist

True Lab Stories really are everywhere these days. Via Inside Higher Ed’s Around the Web, a blog called “What the Hell Is Wrong With You?” offers True Lab Stories: The Party Game (my name, not hers): Back in the good old days, when La Blonde Parisienne and I were bright young grad students working in… Continue reading Too Stupid to Be a Scientist

Framing Physics

Over at Gene Expression, Razib is collecting ten-word summaries of evolutionary theory, with follow-up posts here and here. Because I’m completely shameless about this sort of thing, I’m going to swipe the idea, and apply it to physics. Of course, physics as a discipline covers a bit more conceptual territory than “evolutionary theory,” so it’s… Continue reading Framing Physics

Categorized as Physics

Sarah Monette, Melusine and The Virtu [Library of Babel]

Sarah Monette, aka truepenny is somebody that Kate knows from LiveJournal, so when her first novel, Melusine was published, Kate bought it right away. Weirdly, though, I got around to reading it before she did (thanks to positive reviews of the sequel in Locus, and in spite of the dreadful cover), and then went directly… Continue reading Sarah Monette, Melusine and The Virtu [Library of Babel]

Categorized as Booklog

How Dumb Are Dumb Jocks?

Over at Cognitive Daily, Dave Munger post about research into the effect of athletics on academics: Achievement can be measured in many ways — grades, homework, attendance, standardized test scores, and enrollment in college. In all of these areas except standardized test scores, even after controlling for economic status, race, and other background variables, athletic… Continue reading How Dumb Are Dumb Jocks?

Categorized as Academia

Gravity Still Works

True Lab stories are everywhere, as Arcance Gazebo today features a story of new and interesting liquid nitrogen experiments: Condensed matter labs such as ours receive frequent deliveries of liquid nitrogen in one- or two-hundred liter dewars. Unfortunately, most of the Berkeley cond-mat labs are in Birge Hall, which has no loading dock, so that… Continue reading Gravity Still Works

The High Cost of Doing Physics

Yesterday, I spent $52 (plus shipping) buying sand. Not a gret big sack of sand, either– just 200 grams of it. I count it as a bargain, too, because I was prepared to spend twice the amount for half as much. Now, granted, the $1000/kg sand is extremely high purity silicon dioxide, designed to be… Continue reading The High Cost of Doing Physics

Categorized as Physics