A day or so ago, an essay came across my social media feeds with the title: “Greek Like Me: Confessions of a Florida Fraternity Brother.” I clicked through, and saw the subhed: “The frat code held us together—until it kept us from saving a life,” and started reading with a resigned sigh, figuring it was… Continue reading Son of “On the Positive Features of Drunken Idiots”
Author: Chad Orzel
011/366: Expensive Selfie
Another crazy-busy day, with a really exhausting pick-up basketball game at lunchtime, but I did have a little time to try out two features of the new camera: the “Live” shooting mode, and the display screen on the back that flips out. These combine to allow you to take a really expensive selfie, if you… Continue reading 011/366: Expensive Selfie
010/366: SparringKid
I said when I started this that there would inevitably be a few cell-phone snapshots, on days when I’m too busy to get fancy with the DSLR. This was one such, so here’s a quick shot of SteelyKid at tonight’s Elite Team taekwondo practice, talking to her coach. The Elite Team class is all sparring,… Continue reading 010/366: SparringKid
009/366: Inverse Scalzi
Over at whatever, John Scalzi posts a lot of sunset photos. I don’t get a lot of those, because for most of the year I need to be dealing with the kids– wrangling them home from day care, making dinner, getting them to bed– during the time when the sunset looks pretty. It’s hard to… Continue reading 009/366: Inverse Scalzi
008/366: Constraints
I’m playing around with the various camera lenses I own, which include a rarely-used fixed 50mm focal length. This is “rarely used” because a good deal of what I use the camera for is taking pictures of the kids, and the separation needed to get them in frame with this lens is really difficult to… Continue reading 008/366: Constraints
007/366: Lake
Having made a passing mention of the lake in my home town yesterday, it seems appropriate to post a photo of the lake itself. So, here you go. It’s been a very long, hot day, coming back to Chateau Steeypips from the weekend away, and then taking the kids to the last day of the… Continue reading 007/366: Lake
006/366: Eponymous
Today’s photo-of-the-day is of the point that gives my home town of Whitney Point its name- the Tioughnioga (left) and Otselic (right) rivers come together here, providing as good a reason as any to locate a town here back in the late 1700’s. This was originally named “Patterson’s Point”; Whitney was an innkeeper who ran… Continue reading 006/366: Eponymous
005/366: Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows
Today was a busy day– the kids played around my parents’ house for a while, then we went to the Field Days in Johnson City to ride carnival rides for a bit. I have some decent pictures and a bit of video from all that. For the official photo-a-day picture, though, we’ll go with something… Continue reading 005/366: Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows
004/366: Tech Support
It’s Labor Day weekend here in the US, so we’ve come down to my parents’ for an end-of-summer weekend. The kids are, of course, thrilled to be visiting Grandma and Grandpa’s house where they can bask in the warmth of… Transformers cartoons on Grandma and Grandpa’s Netflix subscription. (I’d say “Kids these days,” but if… Continue reading 004/366: Tech Support
003/366: The Mountains, the Mountains
Last weekend, while the kids were at my parents’, Kate and I decided to go over to Williamstown and look at some art. We originally intended to go to the Clark Art Institute, but it was mobbed, so we drove on to MassMoCA instead. I told several different people about that, all of whom said… Continue reading 003/366: The Mountains, the Mountains