I got a little bit of time today to play with the new lens, which included a couple of nice shots of the kids. I’m trying not to have this be “photo of the kids of the day,” though, so here’s a different shot making use of the limited depth of field of the f/2.8… Continue reading 020/366: Scratch Work
Author: Chad Orzel
019/366: Lots of SteelyKids
Weekends around here tend to be ridiculously busy, so you get a cell-phone photo again. But with a twist– over in Twitter-land, Frank Noschese mentioned a smartphone app called Motion Shot that takes short video clips and processes them to provide multiple images of some moving object. This is, of course, basically irresistible for a… Continue reading 019/366: Lots of SteelyKids
018/366: Cute New Toy
There’s only one obvious choice for today’s photo of the day, namely the brand new lens that just arrived: This is a really compact 24mm f/2.8 lens, which isn’t quite as fast as the f/1.8 I used for the depth of field experiment the other night, but has a much wider field of view, meaning… Continue reading 018/366: Cute New Toy
017/366: Guessing Game
SteelyKid’s elementary school had their annual open house tonight, and they tried something different with it this year. Rather than having prepared presentations in the classrooms, they had the kids lead a “tour” for their parents– she got a map and a “bingo” card, and then led us to her classroom, the cafeteria, the library,… Continue reading 017/366: Guessing Game
016/366: Depth of Field Follies
I’ve been doing a lot of opining on my blogs of late, and much less science-ing that I would like. So I thought I’d try bringing a little science to the photo-a-day project, by playing around with f-numbers. I put the camera on the tripod, with my fastest lens (a 50mm f/1.8 prime) and set… Continue reading 016/366: Depth of Field Follies
015/366: Ascent
I don’t want to turn this into “Photo of the Kids of the Day,” but I spent most of today with The Pip, because his day care was closed for Rosh Hashanah. And while I took a bunch of artsy shots of trees and stuff, I really like the way this one came out: He’s… Continue reading 015/366: Ascent
014/366: Summer Stars
Today was Rosh Hashanah– happy new year to those who celebrate it– meaning that both SteelyKid’s school and The Pip’s day care were closed. In an effort to maintain my sanity while keeping them entertained, I took them to the local science museum to rampage through hands-on exhibits. We also caught the planetarium show, because… Continue reading 014/366: Summer Stars
Physics Blogging Round-Up: Complication and Aesthetics
I have once again fallen down on the job, or at least the part of it that involves letting ScienceBlogs readers know what I’ve been posting at Forbes. I blame the Labor Day holiday and the start of school. Anyway, it’s been a bit over two weeks since the last round-up, so a bunch of… Continue reading Physics Blogging Round-Up: Complication and Aesthetics
013/366: Accessorize!
Elite Northeastern private college tuition and fees (1989-1993): ~$80,000 Gold class ring from elite Northeastern private college: ~$500 Colorful Rainbow Loom bracelet from your seven-year-old daughter: Priceless. SteelyKid made this bracelet the other day at her after-school day care, while demonstrating to her friends that she could knit the rubber bands together with her fingers.… Continue reading 013/366: Accessorize!
012/366: Rocket Dude!
SteelyKid spent a good chunk of the afternoon playing at a friend’s house, so most of the photographic activity of the day involved The Pip energetically playing with various toys. This included a good while spent in the back yard with a Stomp Rocket: In this shot, he’s leaped with great force onto the rubber… Continue reading 012/366: Rocket Dude!