Another Saturday full of kid stuff, chiefly a rather brisk soccer game– around 45F at game time, with a stiff breeze. It was interesting to see how different kids reacted to the cold. One or two got hyper, and ran around crazily to stay warm, while some others just disengaged from the game. And a… Continue reading 047/366: Late Bloomers
Author: Chad Orzel
046/366: Alchemy
It was kind of an annoying week in a number of respects, which called for something frivolous and morale-bosting. Thus, this: The shiny rocks are from a collection of “Gold and Diamonds” (i.e. pyrite and quartz) SteelyKid got at a local farm “mining” thing last weekend. The Legos are from the extensive collection in Chateau… Continue reading 046/366: Alchemy
045/366: Home Improvement
In addition to a bunch of work-related stuff, I’m trying to devote some time during my sabbatical to fixing various problems that have piled up around Chateau Steelypips over the last few years when I was too busy to deal with much of anything. Thus, today’s photo is this fairly unremarkable shot: This exists mostly… Continue reading 045/366: Home Improvement
044/366: Pot of Gold
One side effect of this photo-a-day business that I probably should’ve anticipated is that I spend a lot of time now looking at stuff and saying “That’s make a good photo…” Which is annoying when I’m out and don’t have the camera with me, so I’ve started throwing it in the car when I go… Continue reading 044/366: Pot of Gold
043/366: Morning Walk
I’m helping coach SteelyKid’s soccer practice tonight, but that’s no problem for the photo-of-the-day blog, as I got that out of the way early: This is what it looks like when Emmy and I go for our morning stroll these days, a little after 6am. Which is sort of pretty, maybe, but it’s a little… Continue reading 043/366: Morning Walk
042/366: Distortion
For the 42nd installment of this photo-a-day thing, it seems appropriate to try to do some SCIENCE! to get an Answer. So, here’s a composite of a bunch of images I took yesterday in order to investigate something: OK, this needs some explanation… So, I do a lot of shooting with moderately wide-angle lenses (either… Continue reading 042/366: Distortion
041/366: Fall
‘Tis the season when things get all colorful: Not much to say other than that, really. This is the tree next to our driveway, shot with the 50mm f/1.8 lens. I spent a while shuffling around underneath the tree finding just the right angle– getting the in-focus leaves against the sky and clear of the… Continue reading 041/366: Fall
040/366: SoccerKid
Rhett is off at some sort of football game, but don’t worry, I’ll step up to make sure the Internet has pictures of kids playing soccer: I’m assistant coaching the team (and the only coach for every other game), which makes it hard to get photos of SteelyKid, but I brought the camera to yesterday’s… Continue reading 040/366: SoccerKid
039/366: Mist Vortex
Friday was yet another heavy kid-wrangling day, as the Pip had a minor surgical procedure in the early morning, which required general anaesthesia. This was done before 9am, but we had to keep him home from school for the day to watch for ill effects. Of which there were none, so he and I went… Continue reading 039/366: Mist Vortex
Physics Blogging Round-Up: Football, Air, Relativity, Wrong Guesses, More Football, and Uncertainty
Another couple of weeks of science-y blogging at Forbes: — Football Physics: Deflategate Illustrates Key Concepts: In which I use the ever-popular silly scandal over deflated footballs as an excuse to talk about three-body recombination. — The Annoying Physics Of Air Resistance: Air resistance is an annoyance to be abstracted out in intro physics classes,… Continue reading Physics Blogging Round-Up: Football, Air, Relativity, Wrong Guesses, More Football, and Uncertainty