TEDxAlbany Talk This Thursday, 12/3

I’ve been a little bad about self-promoting here of late, but I should definitely plug this: I’m speaking at the TEDxAlbany event this Thursday, December 3rd; I’m scheduled first, at 9:40 am. The title is “The Exotic Physics of an Ordinary Morning“: You might think that the bizarre predictions of quantum mechanics and relativity– particles… Continue reading TEDxAlbany Talk This Thursday, 12/3

091/366: Turkey Talk

SteelyKid's second-grade assignment to imagine and illustrate a conversation with a turkey.

Not an incredibly artistic or innovative bit of photography, here, but I spent a good chunk of the day taking The Pip for his annual physical, so the only pictures I took were of SteelyKid’s schoolwork: This assignment asked her to draw herself asking a question that a turkey would then answer, and then the… Continue reading 091/366: Turkey Talk

090/366: Kids These Days

SteelyKid and The Pip watching video on their tablets.

We had our usual tv time on Sunday morning at my parents’, with the kids alternating picking what they watched. When it came around to SteelyKid’s turn, she opted for MythBusters, which wasn’t available on demand, but she has several episodes on her tablet. Of course, if SteelyKid was going to watch video on her… Continue reading 090/366: Kids These Days

089/366: Seasonal

The Polish display at the Roberson "International Forest" of Christmas trees.

Saturday was still warm, but grey and rainy, so we needed indoor activities. We took the kids down to the Roberson Museum to see their annual Christmas display, with lots of trees donated and decorated by local organizations, toys and games from the 50’s and 60’s, and a giant model train display. And the “International… Continue reading 089/366: Seasonal

Categorized as 366, Pictures

088/366: Geese

SteelyKid and The Pip scaring geese with their swords at the park on the day after Thanksgiving.

So, today, we engaged in the traditional Black Friday activity of, um, going to the park and chasing birds: It was an unbelievably warm day for late November– if you look closely, you can see that SteelyKid is wearing shorts and a T-shirt– so we couldn’t very well sit inside. So we went across to… Continue reading 088/366: Geese

087/366: Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving dinner.

We’re at my parents’ house in Scenic Whitney Point, NY, for Thanksgiving, so of course there’s only one appropriate subject for the photo of the day: That’s our traditional turkey dinner, from my seat at the table. We ate very, very well, as always, and the kids have been generally very good (with a few… Continue reading 087/366: Happy Thanksgiving

086/366: There Can Be Only One

SteelyKid and The Pip in their traditional Nerf sword battle.

We’re visiting my parents for Thanksgiving, and one of the highliughts of any trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa is that they have Nerf swords for the kids: This raged for a good while before dinner. Hopefully, they’ll sleep well tonight…

085/366: $27.00

The nail they pulled out of my tire this morning.

I spent a good chunk of the morning across the river at the Honda dealership, because of this: That’s the nail that they pulled out of my right rear tire, which had developed a slow leak late last week. It was one of those leaks that took several hours to significantly reduce the pressure, and… Continue reading 085/366: $27.00

Categorized as 366, Pictures

084/366: Woodpecker

The woodpecker that was banging on Chateau Steelypips.

I was headed outside to take a bunch of photos with which I plan to do some SCIENCE!, but that won’t be the photo of the day, because this little critter was energetically banging on the side of our house when I got outside: I think this is probably a female downy woodpecker. Though I… Continue reading 084/366: Woodpecker

083/366: Bat-Toys!

The Pip's collection of superhero toys.

The Pip is nute about superheros at the moment, primarily the Justice League, and particularly Batman. He’s got quite the pile of toys around this theme, making for a decent photo subject: Technically, these aren’t all Bat-Toys– you can see a Spiderman Lego set in there (from some alternate universe in which Peter Parker got… Continue reading 083/366: Bat-Toys!