Attempted Mpemba Effect

Materials for an attempt to observe the Mpemba Effect.

One of my favorite modern tales of scientific discovery is the Mpemba Effect, named after Erasto Mpemba, a schoolboy in Tanzania who noticed while making ice cream that hot mix put in the freezer solidified faster than cold. This counter-intuitive result has been replicated a bunch of times, and physicists and chemists continue to debate… Continue reading Attempted Mpemba Effect

165/366: Wintry Science

Starting condition for a science experiment.

It was bitterly cold over the weekend here in the Northeast, with daytime high temepratures in the single digits Fahrenheit. This has little to recommend it in terms of, you know, leaving the house, but it did provide an opportunity to try some SCIENCE! Unfortunately, I left the notepad with the data (such as it… Continue reading 165/366: Wintry Science

163-164/366: Recurring Themes

SteelyKid watching tv from inside the tunnel fort she built on the couch.

This weekend’s photos were mostly of the kids, and mostly had other people’s kids in them, as they did a double play-date on Saturday afternoon. I’m going to lump two days together, because they’re really just repeating previous themes. Here are the kids eating dinner at the Union women’s basketball game Friday night: (They went… Continue reading 163-164/366: Recurring Themes

162/366: The Love Fishtank

Detail from SteelyKid's heart-shaped pouch for Valentine's Day cards.

SteelyKid was sent home on Wednesday with strep throat, and so needed to be home thursday as well. she was very disappointed to be missing school, as her class was preparing for a Valentine’s Day party on Friday. I picked up a bunch of work for her, including a heart-shaped paper pouch to hold the… Continue reading 162/366: The Love Fishtank

161/366: Mobile Office

My "office" when I was in Virginia.

Some time back, I posted a photo of my usual spot at the Starbucks in Niskayuna. When I was in Newport News earlier this week, of course, I had to find a different space from which to rant about Twitter. Here’s that spot: As you can see, the principal difference between the two is that… Continue reading 161/366: Mobile Office

Categorized as 366, Pictures

160/366: Nice Crowd

The audience for my Science Series talk last night at Jefferson Lab.

I did bring my good camera with me to Newport News, and took it on the tour of Jefferson Lab yesterday, but despite the existence of DSLR pics, you’re getting a cell-phone snap for the photo of the day: That’s the audience about 10-15 minutes before my talk last night, so it was a good… Continue reading 160/366: Nice Crowd

159/366: Thanks, Manitoba

Door to my room at JLab's Residence Facility.

I’m in Newport News, VA, to give a talk tonight at Jefferson Lab, and they’re putting me up at the on-site Residence Facility. The rooms at this are apparently sponsored associated with institutions that use the facility, with big signs on all the doors. Here’s mine: So, I guess my stay is in some sense… Continue reading 159/366: Thanks, Manitoba

158/366: Fort

The blanket fort du jour in the basement of Chateau Steelypips.

Since our recent trip to Vermont, SteelyKid has been obsessed with building blanket forts. These have mostly been in the living room, leading to a bit of angst at the end of the day when we need the blankets back. So i did a little reorganizing in the basement, and dug some sheets out of… Continue reading 158/366: Fort

Quantum Physics for Dogs at Jefferson Lab: TOMORROW

Tribute to Emmy, added to my quantum-for-dogs talk.

I’ve been remiss in my self-promotional duties, but I’m giving a public lecture tomorrow night in Newport News, VA, as part of the Jefferson Lab Science Series. This will be my traditional “What Every Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics” talk, with the sad addition of a slide honoring the late, great Queen of Niskayuna… Continue reading Quantum Physics for Dogs at Jefferson Lab: TOMORROW