I knew that.
The Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health: Home Edition: Because hypochondriacs have pets, too.
“We found that teenagers quite rationally weigh benefits and risks,” Dr. Reyna said. “But when they do that, the equation delivers the message to go ahead and do that, because to the teen the benefits outweigh the risks.”
Again, let’s hear it for the ingenuity of rocket scientists
Take the bad with the good.
Not just 2007, but the last fifty years!
A part-per-million measurement using magnetic levitation. If you can read German, you might be better off reading that version, as the English is a little shaky.
The asteroid that hit Siberia in 1908 may have been smaller than previously thought.
A long gamma-ray burst out in the middle of nowhere.
You’ll be shocked to hear that they prefer the book.
“Stairway to Heaven” as an early Beatles tune.