Links for 2012-06-20

In which we look at failures of academic collegiality, the allocation of resources in the liberal arts, teaching as a big grey area, advice for new teachers, common misconceptions about education, an ambitious plan to reform jury duty, and a former member of Fred Phelps’s hateful Westboro Baptist Church. ———— Confessions of a Community College… Continue reading Links for 2012-06-20

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The Towering Interferometer: “Testing General Relativity with Atom Interferometry”

In which we look at a slightly crazy-sounding proposal from my former boss, the experimental realization of which is getting close to completion. ———— I spent more or less the entire first day of DAMOP a couple of weeks ago going to precision measurement talks. Most of these were relatively sedate (at least by the… Continue reading The Towering Interferometer: “Testing General Relativity with Atom Interferometry”

Links for 2012-06-19

In which we look at an impassioned plea from a gay seminarian, a satirical video about the Singularity, and two more dispatches from the imminent death of traditional publishing. ———— Letter from a gay Christian classmate « Mercy not Sacrifice I am asking you to set aside your quiet whispers for a potent disquietude; I’m… Continue reading Links for 2012-06-19

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Woke Up This Morning

So, anyway, as of today, I’m apparently the same age as the Reverend D. Wayne Love in 1998 or thereabouts. And the sound makes its way outta the window Minglin’ with the traffic noises outside, you know and All of a sudden I’m overcome by a feelin’ of brief mortality ‘Cause I’m gettin’ on in… Continue reading Woke Up This Morning

Links for 2012-06-18

In which we look at basketball analytics, complaints about ancient Rome, the latest dispatch from the imminent death of publishing, and the optics of spy satellites. ———— Where the Heat and the Thunder Hit Their Shots – Interactive Feature – The shooting patterns for the players on the Miami Heat and the Oklahoma City… Continue reading Links for 2012-06-18

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Links for 2012-06-15

In which we look at the job situation for different specializations, yet another dumb modest proposal to fix education, and a smackdown of NBA players who are ignorant of fashion history. ———— Physics and Physicists: Job Advertisements For Theorists and Experimentalists In Physics Today Apr/May 2012 Anyone reading my blog on the Problem in Pursuing… Continue reading Links for 2012-06-15

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The Perfection of Bay Area Dogphysics

Last night, as I was flying in to San Francisco, Matt Cain pitched the first perfect game in Giants history. Now, a casual observer might think these events were unrelated, but to ancient alien theorists, the connection between them could not be more obvious. Thus, you should come to Kepler’s Books in Menlo Park this… Continue reading The Perfection of Bay Area Dogphysics