All Creatures Great and Small…

… are welcome in the DogPhysics Pet Gallery. Even aquatic ones: We’ve currently got seventeen dogs, six cats, two horses, a lizard, and these fish. If you’ve got a pet, of whatever species, and a copy of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, take a picture of the one with the other, and send… Continue reading All Creatures Great and Small…

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Customer Reviews Edition

Having seen other authors led into destruction by responding to customer reviews on Amazon, I tend to approach the customer reviews of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog with some trepidation. It turns out, though, that they’re really good. And I don’t mean that in a Harriet Kalunser kind of way– the positive reviews… Continue reading How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Customer Reviews Edition

Neil Bates Owes Me $160

That’s the bill for the time that I spent on deciphering his supposed falsification of decoherence. I don’t want anyone to fall for his false argument, so here’s the correct explanation of the scenario, to save other people the trouble. The center of his so-called “proof” is this modified Mach-Zehnder Inteferometer: Light enters at the… Continue reading Neil Bates Owes Me $160

Links for 2010-01-23 / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Neglected Books: the list “So, I asked for recommendations for neglected books and authors and had an overwhelming response. I’m going to make the results into a useful reading list, in alphabetical order, with links, and usefully divided. The world is a very big place… Continue reading Links for 2010-01-23

Categorized as Links Dump

Public Knowledge of Science: The More Things Change, the More They Don’t

The NSF’s Science and Engineering Indicators report came out not too long ago, and the bulk of it is, as usual, spent on quasi-quantitative measures of scientific productivity– numbers of degrees granted, numbers of patent applications for various countries, etc. I find all of those things pretty deeply flawed, so I tend to skip past… Continue reading Public Knowledge of Science: The More Things Change, the More They Don’t

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Categorization

We’re once again in the “things are in the pipeline, but nothing has been posted recently” mode, which is a good excuse for some Amazon neepery. Since the AP review came out, and was printed in 20-odd papers, the sales rank has climbed back into the four digits, and has spent the last few days… Continue reading How to Teach Physics to Your Dog: Obsessive Categorization

Links for 2010-01-22

Creation | Film | Review | The A.V. Club “Creation contains some vivid illustrations of evolutionary theory, and some intriguing consideration of what Darwin had to overcome to achieve greatness–in particular, his fear of disappointing his family. But for the most part, Creation is Biopic 101, earnest and over-explained. It’s the kind of movie in… Continue reading Links for 2010-01-22

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Thursday Baby Blogging 012110

Here we see SteelyKid enjoying our post-day-care ritual: kickin’ back, eatin’ pretzels, and watching Pardon the Interruption: “LeBatard always ruins Odds Makers,” she says. “He’s silly…” There was some screaming and crying a little bit before this was taken, not that you can tell. Pretzels and juice fixed everything. May it always be that simple.