How Many Licks? or How to Estimate Damn Near Anything by Aaron Santos

One of the odd things about the C-list celebrity life of a semi-pro blogger is that I get a bunch of requests to review books on physics-related topics. Some of these take the form of a book showing up out of the blue, others are preceded by a polite request from the author. Aaron Santos’s… Continue reading How Many Licks? or How to Estimate Damn Near Anything by Aaron Santos

Service Reform

The Dean Dad and the Tenured Radical are having a really good discussion of service responsibilities, or as TR puts it, the “Just Say No” problem: The Just Say No (to everyone but me) issue is a problem that, frankly, untenured people, adjuncts and visitors are not responsible for managing; and that achieving tenure can… Continue reading Service Reform

Dorky Poll: Explosive Elements

We did the far right column of the periodic table, so here’s one for the left: the coolest-chemistry-demo-ever column, the alkali metals: What’s your favorite alkali metal?(surveys) While you can make heteronuclear alkali dimers, at least in a transient way, we’re talking atoms here, not molecules. Choose only one.

Links for 2009-09-09

slacktivist: Same to you, buddy “A $100 account with no fees costs the bank more in paperwork and tellers’ time than it’s worth. In the long-run, such accounts can help depositors develop savings habits and savings balances, developing into the sort of customers banks can and do make money from. But neither the executives nor… Continue reading Links for 2009-09-09

Categorized as Links Dump

Beauty’s Just Another Word I’m Never Certain How to Spell

Like every other blogger with a political opinion, I read Paul Krugman’s essay on economics last week, and tagged it for Saturday’s Links Dump. And while I appreciate Eric Weinstein calling me out as part of the “high end blogosphere,” I’m not sure I have much to say about it that is useful. But, since… Continue reading Beauty’s Just Another Word I’m Never Certain How to Spell

Links for 2009-09-08

Sunday Function : Built on Facts One of the most useful functions in math isn’t really a function in the usual sense. (tags: math physics blogs built-on-facts science) Hitler finds out about another Downfall parody from dawsonbros – Video “Maybe we should just make one of these ourselves. Do our own clip.” (tags: video silly… Continue reading Links for 2009-09-08

Categorized as Links Dump

Bonus Baby Blogging

We’re headed out for a last road trip before the start of classes, taking SteelyKid to visit her great-grandmother and great-great-aunts. Why? Because she’s this cute: If you had a baby that cute, wouldn’t you take her on the road? I thought so. Normal-ish blogging will resume Tuesday. I’m scheduling a few other pictures to… Continue reading Bonus Baby Blogging