Via Boing Boing, a “conceptual artist” is selling a make-your-own-universe kit: According to [a slightly garbled explanation of quantum mechanics], any kind of measurement causes the universe to split and this is the basis of Keats’ new device. His universe creator uses a piece of uranium-doped glass to create a steam of alpha particles, which… Continue reading Universes Are Cheaper in Bulk
Month: November 2008
For $1,500, Joe Biden Will Dance Like a Monkey
Some time back, the Obama campaign site offered a “check your voter registration” link. This seemed like a good resource to promote, so I checked it out. This required giving them an email address, and since then, I’ve gotten a flood of fundraising emails purporting to be from significant people within the Democratic party. One… Continue reading For $1,500, Joe Biden Will Dance Like a Monkey
links for 2008-11-01
Optics basics: Inverse problems « Skulls in the Stars An advanced value of "basic," but a good post. (tags: physics optics science blogs) Freshman for Life Blotchmen, in which Rorschach tries to find his missing plums. (tags: comics books blogs art internet literature sf) marnanel: And now, today’s Blake joke A literary LOLcat (tags: literature… Continue reading links for 2008-11-01