links for 2008-10-18

Don’t scrap the squiggle! — Crooked Timber "My only complaint about the crawler is that CNN removes it from the screen when the debate finishes. I absolutely wish that they continued to show the favourable/unfavourable reactions of the dial-testing focus group to the talking heads on the news afterwards; you’d be able to see the… Continue reading links for 2008-10-18

Categorized as Links Dump

The Pointlessness of Punditry

In the wake of the debate the other night, there’s been a lot of talk about the disparity between the way tv pundits “scored” it– most of them thought McCain did well– and post-debate polling of actual voters, which gave a huge edge to Obama. Kevin Drum, Mark Kleiman, and Steve Benen all comment on… Continue reading The Pointlessness of Punditry

Categorized as Politics

links for 2008-10-17

Physicists set new entanglement record – "Researchers in China and Europe have entangled a record-breaking 10 quantum bits — an important breakthrough in the quest to develop practical quantum computers." (tags: physics quantum computing science news experiment optics) Ananova – Rabbit wins half marathon Don’t tell Emmy. (tags: animals silly dog sports)

Categorized as Links Dump

Thursday Baby Blogging 101608

SteelyKid is ten weeks old today! To celebrate, here’s the weekly picture with Appa for scale, with a special bonus Kate for additional perspective:

Categorized as Steelykid!

The Teleporter’s Dilemma

One of the annoying things about trying to explain quantum mechanics to a general audience is that the weirdness of the theory forces you to use incredibly convoluted examples. Pop-science books about quantum physics are full of schemes that the producers of the Saw movies would reject as implausibly complicated. I wish I was posting… Continue reading The Teleporter’s Dilemma

Cynicism and the Debates

Once again, God help me, I watched the entire debate last night. I don’t quite know why, as it wasn’t that great as spectacle, and it’s not like there was any way it would change my vote… I wound up being struck by something, though. The last eight years have made me pretty cynical about… Continue reading Cynicism and the Debates

Categorized as Politics

links for 2008-10-16

slacktivist: Racism and litigation "[N]o, it’s not an overstatement or an uncharitable characterization to say that anyone swallowing this ACORN-scapegoating is insane and a racist bastard. This is a baseless assertion that begins with the argument that poor people and black people are the powers that be in America — that they run the show.… Continue reading links for 2008-10-16