links for 2008-10-02

Nina Katchadourian Short stories told through pictures of book spines (tags: books literature pictures art stories language) Cognitive Daily: Do TV, movie and game ratings actually do any good? A good rule of thumb is that when a paper title asks a question the answer is "no." (tags: games social-science psychology articles science society culture… Continue reading links for 2008-10-02

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Adopted Physicist

I signed up for the Adopt-a-Physicist program run by the APS, and I’ve been “adopted” by three high school classes. The program pairs professional physicists with high school classes, and provides a web forum both groups can access. The students ask questions, and I answer them. I’d love to be able to link directly to… Continue reading Adopted Physicist

links for 2008-10-01

Dr. Rivka – How many US Supreme Court decisions can you name off the top of your head? (tags: law US politics) / Science fiction and fantasy / Blog posts / Bloat: threat or menace? A defense of long books. (tags: books writing literature SF blogs) Dynamics of Cats : why are grades confidential?… Continue reading links for 2008-10-01

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