Televisual Wonders

If you’re looking for something to fill your science-related entertainment needs while I’m in Canuckistan pondering the future of society, and thus not blogging much, here are a couple of things you might want to check out on tv (whose producers sent me helpful emails letting me know of their programs): “The Next Big Bang,”… Continue reading Televisual Wonders

Categorized as Television

links for 2008-09-09

Whatever » A Previous Message Repeated, Slightly More Forcefully "Now, again, please: Take a nice, deep cleansing breath, center yourself, have some tea, and get a goddamn grip. " (tags: US politics blogs) Confessions of a Community College Dean: Ask the Administrator: Academic Blacklists? "The usual meaning of ‘blacklist,’ as I understand it, is a… Continue reading links for 2008-09-09

Categorized as Links Dump

21st Century Video

The video from today’s talks at the Science in the 21st Century conference have been posted at the PIRSA collection, so if you want to see my talk, you can watch the video (a 110 MB WMV file), and/or look at the slides (a 2.7 MB PDF). I would also particularly recommend watching the video… Continue reading 21st Century Video

Categorized as Academia

Talking to My Dog About Science: Weblogs and Public Outreach

I gave my talk this morning at the Science in the 21st Century conference. Video will eventually be available at the Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive site, but if you’d like to get a sense of the talk, a few people were live-blogging it in the FriendFeed room for the meeting. You get a pretty… Continue reading Talking to My Dog About Science: Weblogs and Public Outreach

links for 2008-09-08

Confessions of an RNC security guard | Salon "Even in their lusty, alcohol-fueled swoons, these young politicos still call Palin "governor." In a way, this reverential horniness is sort of endearing. But mostly it’s just creepy." (tags: politics US journalism society culture) Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » The Singularity Is Far "[I]f the Singularity ever… Continue reading links for 2008-09-08

Categorized as Links Dump

links for 2008-09-07

Soundtrack Saturday: “Real Genius” | Popdose All but one of the songs from Val Kilmer’s finest film. (tags: music movies blogs science)

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Belated Baby Blogging 090608

We went down to visit Kate’s parents on Wednesday, so I wasn’t able to post the weekly bison-for-scale picture. I did get one, though, so here it is a few days late: This also gives us a chance to show off her “Smart Cookie” onesie, which I picked up because it’s a nice break from… Continue reading Belated Baby Blogging 090608

Categorized as Steelykid!

links for 2008-09-06

Adventures in Ethics and Science: Data paparazzi. Is it ethical to write a paper based on a snapshot of a data slide at a conference? (tags: ethics science publishing physics academia) Jonathan Martin’s Blog: Democrat reader email of the day (so far) – "Mrs. Palin needs to be reminded that Jesus Christ was a… Continue reading links for 2008-09-06

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