links for 2008-03-02

Stephen Huneck Gallery at Dog Mountain Vermont ” I wanted to build a chapel, one that celebrated the spiritual bond we have with our dogs, and that would be open to dogs and people. People of any faith or belief system.” (tags: dog religion art animals) Such Madness – New York Times Let the hype… Continue reading links for 2008-03-02

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links for 2008-03-01

slacktivist: More on subsidiarity “[W]here it exists here in America, inefficient Big Government tends to be the direct and predictable result of anti-regulation, anti-government laissez-faire and libertarian-ish ideologies” (tags: economics politics US society) Second Law of Thermodynamics with Discrete Quantum Feedback Control You still can’t win, but you can do a little better than with… Continue reading links for 2008-03-01

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