links for 2008-01-10

Lounge of the Lab Lemming: Geophysicists moderate neutrons Estimating conference attendance by the attenuation of the cosmogenic neutron flux due to people on the exhibit floor. (tags: physics silly science) A Natural Scientist: Before You Sign Up For Indentured Servitude The three most important decisions in grad school: Advisor, Advisor, Advisor. (tags: academia science education)… Continue reading links for 2008-01-10

Categorized as Links Dump

Abstinence Doesn’t Age Well

I occasionally joke that some of the articles passing through my EurekAlert feed ought to be published in the Journal of “Well, Duh!”, but I think this one takes the cake: Teens find the benefits of not having sex decline with age: The study, reported in the January 2008 issue of the “American Journal of… Continue reading Abstinence Doesn’t Age Well

Categorized as Science

The Funding Issue

Gordon Watts is mad as hell about funding cuts, and blaming petty partisan politics: As far as I can tell, here is what happened: Congress just about finishes the omnibus spending bill. [Snark: exactly how late was this!?] At the last minute Bush says he will veto it unless it comes at his number. [Snark:… Continue reading The Funding Issue

Categorized as Policy

links for 2008-01-09

PHD Comics: Research Diagram/Research Reality No schematic survives its first encounter with the apparatus. (tags: silly comics science experiment) Teens find the benefits of not having sex decline with age “The greatest change in attitudes was among teens who became sexually experienced during the study period. For those teens, the percentage who said that not… Continue reading links for 2008-01-09

Categorized as Links Dump

Amazon Freaks Out

In my email this morning, I have a note from everybody’s favorite online retailer, informing me that: We’ve noticed that customers who have purchased or rated books by Christopher Moore have also purchased Esther’s Revenge at Susa: From Sennacherib to Ahasuerus by Stephanie Dalley. OK, fine, they see a correlation, and are sending me a… Continue reading Amazon Freaks Out

Categorized as Books

Unions and Sour Grapes

One final note on the teachers-unions argument: The comments to the original post on the low regard for teachers relative to lawyers immediately jumped on the union thing. Commenter Doug Hering provided what’s probably the best statement of the causal link: I do agree that teachers must be treated as professionals. However, part of that… Continue reading Unions and Sour Grapes