links for 2007-12-17

Bell Labs Is Gone. Academia Steps In. – New York Times The pros and cons of partnerships between major corporations and research universities. (tags: academia economics science industry) Matter-Wave Interferometry with Phase Fluctuating Bose-Einstein Condensates A new paper from the Ketterle Empire, on interference between different parts of a split BEC. (tags: physics low-temperature experiment… Continue reading links for 2007-12-17

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Nice Work, Baltimore

Way to screw it up for everybody. The Jets held up their end of things, but you blew it.

Categorized as Football

No Country for Old Men

I got a new stereo installed in my car on Friday, so I can plug the iPod in directly rather than using one of those stupid FM transmitter gadgets, and the installation guy said it would take a few hours. So I did a little shopping, and then went to see the Coen Brothers’ adaptation… Continue reading No Country for Old Men

Categorized as Movies

links for 2007-12-16

The best music of 2007 | The A.V. Club The top 25 albums, as voted on by AV Club writers. (tags: music review)

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Bleg: Name This Artist

On our first day in Kyoto, Kate and I went to a bunch of temples, including one that was showing a bunch of really cool paintings featuring Buddhist temple accessories come to life and chasing monsters around. They had a sort of demented whimsy to them, and you can get a little flavor of it… Continue reading Bleg: Name This Artist

Categorized as Japan

links for 2007-12-15

IKE ‘BEATS’ TINA TO DEATH Kind of pushing the limits, even for the New York Post (tags: music news journalism) slacktivist: Charlie’s Angels Why does Chuck Colson hate little kids at Christmas? (tags: religion politics US gender) Ten Top Physics Stories for 2007 — Physics News Update 850 The AIP’s opinion (tags: physics news)

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Mixed Nuts

I took a much-needed Luddite Day yesterday, shutting down the computer and spending the afternoon loafing on the couch reading. I had meant to have a new stereo installed in my car and do some Christmas shopping while I waited, but we got a moderately significant snowstorm yesterday afternoon, so I pushed the installation and… Continue reading Mixed Nuts

Categorized as Silliness

Tree of SCIENCE!!! #4

Here’s where things on the Tree of SCIENCE!!! start to get more interesting, and somewhat more obscure: Yes, that’s a small wooden Christmas tree ornament hanging on our full-size Christmas tree. What’s this have to do with SCIENCE!!!? Well, obviously, it represents recursion.

links for 2007-12-14

Chris Blattman’s Blog: How to get a PhD *and* save the world Advice for Econ/ PoliSci types who are interested in social change and graduate school both. (tags: economics academia politics humanities social-science) A Month of Writers, Day Ten: Wil Wheaton A look back at the glory days of Star Wars action figures. (tags: blogs… Continue reading links for 2007-12-14

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