N Skills Every Scientist Should Have

A little while back, Popular Mechanics published a list of 25 Skills Every Man Should Know. Seven of the 25 are car-related, another four have to do with construction, and an additional six are outdoorsy things. Of course, they also threw in “extend your wireless network,” for the nerds out there, but it does tend… Continue reading N Skills Every Scientist Should Have


I’ve been Netflix-ing and sloooowly watching the anime Last Exile over the last few months, and finished it over the weekend. It’s all very pretty, but I really don’t understand what the hell happened at the very end. Some fun stuff along the way, though. This means that I have once again run out of… Continue reading Cartoooooons!

links for 2007-10-22

The Right-Wing Facebook – Welcome “Rudy Giuliani is wondering how he can fit 9/11 into a speech about agriculture policy.” (tags: politics US silly) A Paler Shade of White: Musical Events: The New Yorker An attempt to find cultural significance in the fact that the author doesn’t like indie rock. (tags: culture music) Cocktail Party… Continue reading links for 2007-10-22

Categorized as Links Dump

Book Report

The occasional writing update, with bonus LOLEmmy: (Photo credit: Kate)

links for 2007-10-21

…My heart’s in Accra » Pop!Tech 2007 More interesting conference blogging posts than I can link individually (tags: gadgets society science computing economics education) The Prize That Even Some Laureates Question – New York Times Nobody likes the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (tags: economics Nobel)

Categorized as Links Dump

Online Dialogue About Nanotechnology

While I’m passing on announcements from my email, there’s an online event scheduled for Tuesda and Wednesday about nanotechnology and the consumer: Nanotechnology–the ability to measure, see, manipulate and manufacture things between 1 and 100 nanometers (1 billionth of a meter)–is seen as the driver of a new industrial revolution emerging with the development of… Continue reading Online Dialogue About Nanotechnology

Categorized as Technology

Phyiscs Pictures Wanted

As noted a little while ago, ScienceBlogs has recently redesigned the channel pages on the front page, and they now include images supplied by the bloggers. For example, the doomsday weapon photo that currently graces the Physical Science page is a picture of my lab. Now, any idiot can take pictures of cute fuzzy animals,… Continue reading Phyiscs Pictures Wanted

Concerned About Science

The Union of Concerned Scientists emails me fairly regularly with news items and calls to action– one of the benefits of being a C-list blogger, I guess. This week’s is a “Call your Senator” item opposing Executive Order 13422: Government agencies need to use the best available science to protect our health–setting standards that limit… Continue reading Concerned About Science