Alone in the Multiverse

The LHC is coming, and it’s time to place your bets. What do you do? (Fun though it may be, shooting the hostage doesn’t really help here.) We’re committed Bayesians (for the sake of this post, at least), and we want to assign a probability that the LHC will see supersymmetry. More generally, we have… Continue reading Alone in the Multiverse

Saiko no Densha

(I think that’s right– we’re drifting into phrasebook stuff, here…) Another day of tourism, another golf shirt with visible salt crystals from dried sweat. Did I mention that it’s really frickin’ hot? Today was a split day– we spent the morning looking at temples near the Kyoto station, and after lunch took a train down… Continue reading Saiko no Densha

Categorized as Japan

New York in August

I’m here at the Simons Workshop at Stony Brook out on Long Island. I’d like to talk a bit about the workshop later, but right now I just want to note that it is 56 degrees out. In New York. In the middle of August. Thunderstorms I’d understand, but cold, dreary drizzle? It’s August, not… Continue reading New York in August

Twisty Little Universes, All Alike

When we left our story, we were stuck in the unfortunate position of living somewhere in a multiverse without any a priori way to figure out where we live. What might we do?

Sugoi Atsui Desu

My rudimentary Japanese will run out much too fast for me to keep up the conceit of titling all travel updates in Japanese, but we’ll run with it while we can… I don’t know if there’s a Japanese equivalent of “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity,” so we’ll just go with this. When I told… Continue reading Sugoi Atsui Desu

Categorized as Japan

The Lay of the Landscape

Let’s say you have a theory, and, let’s say it happens to have a whole lot of solutions. Maybe it’s the theory you’re thinking about, but it doesn’t have to be. Nothing of what I’m going to say depends on any details besides this surfeit of solutions.

Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu

I’m sure I’m neither the first nor the last person to note that it probably says something about Japan that the ordinary meet-new-people ritual includes asking them “Please be kind to me.” But, you know, sometimes you have to be obvious. Anyway, I’m in Kyoto, typing on a loaner laptop in the hotel lobby. Don’t… Continue reading Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu

Categorized as Japan


I see below that (in what comes as a total surprise) the string thread has already gotten lively. As an experimentalist doing quantum mechanics at the ultra-low-energy end, I don’t have a strong opinion on string theory qua theory, and I really don’t have a strong opinion on the sociology-of-theory business, beyond saying that I’m… Continue reading Sigh