My rudimentary Japanese will run out much too fast for me to keep up the conceit of titling all travel updates in Japanese, but we’ll run with it while we can… I don’t know if there’s a Japanese equivalent of “It’sãnot the heat, it’s the humidity,” so we’ll just go with this.
When I told people we were coming to Japan in August, the general reaction was “Good God, why then?” I didn’t get to pick the dates for Worldcon, though, and anyway, I thought, “how bad could it be?”
Answer: Pretty freakin’ bad. Tromping around eastern Kyoto yesterday was essentially the same as hiking on St. John, weather-wise, only there wasn’t a white sandy beach at the end of the trip… I sweated clean through not only the T-shirt I was wearing, but also the golf shirt I had over it in hopes of concealing the fact that I was sweating like a fat pig.
I’ll probably acclimate a bit, but that was rough Still, the sights we saw– Sanjusangen-do, Kiyomizu-dera, Kodai-ji, among others– were worth a little discomfort. I took 114 pictures yesterday, so there will be images after our return, but right now, I see that the restaurant has opened for breakfast, so me and my jet lag are going to get some food.
Mata ne.