What Might’ve Been

Since everybody else left of Limbaugh is linking it, I might as well throw in a pointer to the Fox interview with Bill Clinton, where he lights into Chris Wallace for asking him about Osama bin Laden: CLINTON: What did I do? What did I do? I worked hard to try to kill him. I… Continue reading What Might’ve Been

Categorized as War

It’s Hard to Be the Queen

Kate’s busy doing LiveJournal things downstairs in the living room, and I’m upstairs blogging in my office. What’s a dog to do? Mope at the foot of the stairs, of course: She’s the most neglected dog in the entire world. Just ask her…

Categorized as Dog

Some Fall Farther Than Others

The Slush God offers all-too-typical news: Today SCI FI Wire published a piece I wrote about Terry Brooks’s latest novel, Armageddon’s Children, which is the first in a series that will connect his Word and the Void trilogy with his Shannara series. Is there any surer sign that an author has fallen to the Brain… Continue reading Some Fall Farther Than Others

Categorized as Books, SF

Pimp Me New Blogs

I’ve updated the sidebar links to reflect the fact that John Horgan has moved his blog, and to add Tales from the Learning Curve. I’m sure I’m missing something, though, so tell me what it is. What are the best blogs out there that I’m not linking to? (Bearing in mind that I’m not enthusiastic… Continue reading Pimp Me New Blogs

Categorized as Blogs

Shhh! Don’t Let the Dog Hear!

Emmy, Queen of Niskayuna, is not what you’d call a well-socialized dog. We got her from a shelter, where she was an owner turn-in due to allergy problems, so the only time she’s been around other digs was in the shelter. I think the technical term for her reaction when confronted with another dog is… Continue reading Shhh! Don’t Let the Dog Hear!

Categorized as Dog

Brandon Sanderson, Elantris [Library of Babel]

When Brandon Sanderson’s debut novel, Elantris first appeared on store shelves, I was tempted to buy it. It had a lot of things going for it: good review quotes, a striking cover, an interesting description, and it’s published by Tor, who are usually pretty reliable. I couldn’t quite figure out, though, whether it was the… Continue reading Brandon Sanderson, Elantris [Library of Babel]

My Soundtrack, 1971-2002

Over at The World’s Fair, David Ng is sorting his records autobiographically, and encouraging others to do the same: If you make a music mix that is a reflection of your informative years, what would those dozen or so songs be, and maybe more interesting, why? You don’t have to be proud of the song… Continue reading My Soundtrack, 1971-2002